2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

If Trump wants to become a Dem (because the cuckservative GOP abandoned him and thus abandoned America) and primary Biden in 2024 can the DNC tell him to fuck off and keep him off the ballot?

Weird post. Itā€™s 0% to happen, but if somehow it does, why try to stop him? Most states make the rules so that registered Republicans canā€™t vote in Democratic primaries. So Trump would lose by humiliating margins. It would be hilarious.

Trump could definitely run 3rd party and destroy Republicansā€™ world. Which he will certainly threaten to do if he doesnā€™t win the 2024 R primary and expect like a $billion not to run.

Include me on that list, too. I was never worried.

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Upon review, @LikeClockwork was definitely in the top 3-5% in calmness. Also one of the better quips of the night, when asked what we expect of Iowa:

Some confidence and good betting advice. Next election Iā€™ll have some money on Bovada in advance, so I can wait a month to get paid.

I went with a ā€œChill, we got this,ā€ vibe but you were going more with the antagonistic swagger. That works, too.

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Maybe start another thread for the self-congratulatory stuff? I know some people like clip-shows, so it will be good to keep it all in one place.


He didnā€™t want to win in 2016, no way he wants to win in 2024. If he runs it will be for the attention/grift.

Heā€™s Donald Trump. Greatest man in history. Why waste your time against a bunch of losers who arenā€™t president when you can go directly against the president himself and also hurt the party that refused to start a civil war on behalf of your ego?

Iā€™m mostly kidding but if I could put money down somewhere at long odds that Trump runs as a Dem in 2024 I absolutely would put money down on it.

I think he loves the power/attention/being above the law



And then the public pressure made them backtrack within hours. Itā€™s not like I said he had popular vote equity in Michigan. He had coup equity.

Itā€™s all in good fun, everybody relax.


Cuse was about to light himself on fire a few hours ago though.


I liked the contrast between full on panic Cuse in the week leading up to the election, worrying about exotic scenarios like state legislatures outright stealing the election, and the serene ā€œweā€™ve got thisā€ Cuse on election night when the entire forum was freaking out.


If they didnā€™t back down it could have been an issue that got tied up in the courts and gave the legislature some undue leverage.

Besides, lighting my hair on fire over extremely dangerous but unlikely events is what I do.

That was my favorite part too. How did ~everyone see ME being calm and confident and then freak out? I was cracking up at that.

But Iā€™m the type to worry a lot over a 1/100 or 1/1000 shot thatā€™s catastrophic when weā€™ve got days/weeks to discuss it.

When Iā€™ve got live data and the bullets are flying, Iā€™m locked in and calm.


Perhaps youā€™re not the bellwether you imagine you are. I second a containment thread forā€¦ whatever this is.


Man when you think a circle jerk is ironic and realize it might not be itā€™s a very strange feeling.


Eh, I can only speak for myself but Cuse and Jman and ChrisV et al remaining calm and confident is meritorious if for no other reason than it saved me from chainsmoking another pack and a half of cigarettes.


I was sober and confident all election night.


this map was based on a false sense of security in regards to AZ based on Fox. It was def within ā€˜worst case scenarioā€™ to lose AZ.

This is part of the reason I donā€™t get whatever it is that was going on here earlier, but I might be misinterpreting the tone so Iā€™ll stand down and standby.

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