2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

I mean Trump won a few key states by razor thin margins in 2016

and then Biden won a few key states by even less than those margin in 2020. But sure we had it the whole time!

Anyway, consider me one of the shook ones. I stayed off my phone until about 9:30pm on election night and took a peek, then shut it down immediately, and then covered myself in blankets and laid in bed for the next few hours awaiting the next 2016. It was kinda ok/fun when I woke up to watch at 3 am though and they called Wisconsin at 3:30 or 4!


Definitely confident. Sober is just pants on fire lying. But worth a shot.

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I canā€™t remember what I posted on election night, if anything, but Iā€™ll out myself. I was freaking out. The only thing keeping from going into full meltdown was Cuse and the couple others on this board who were calm, so props and cheers!


I doubt I posted much on election night, but I lurked like crazy.

My friends were shocked that I, the most WAAF person any of them know, was very calm throughout the whole election. All day Wednesday people were talking about insane uncertainty and I kept telling people not to worry, we almost certainly won the election. I bought my WAAF views on everything else a lot more mileage with that take!

A lot of the reason I was calm was jman and cuse. However, I remember jmanā€™s ā€œMuellerā€™s got this!!!ā€ takes from 2017/18, which still give me pause when he is optimistic about something.


lol this is tilting the fuck out of me.


FWIW, I donā€™t actually mind these posts (even the dunking), but I would rather see them somewhere else and not in the thread where Iā€™m still happily tracking election nonsense and amateur coup attempts.

But I guess Iā€™m in the minority here.

Yeah, but to be fair, youā€™ve been confident for four years. That confidence has oftenā€¦ not paid off.


Bidenā€™s margins were larger than Trump.


Yeah turns out there was no drama on election night.

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Itā€™s so meaningless too. Elections have a binary result. Trump conceding jokes aside, one candidate has to win. To take a victory lap about ā€˜being calmā€™ is so fucking stupid when the elections started with losing FL in a much larger % than anticipated, at that time it looked like the entire south is lost. Texas and Ohio were both going to Trump in margins much bigger than anticipated and the Senate races were looking like shit.

In addition we had a narrative that looked relevant to AZ/NV that Biden underperforming with Hispanic voters in Texas as well.

All that while we had no significant results from WI/MI.

Oh, and that small issue that losing means people lives are in actual danger.

Itā€™s perfectly fine to be calm in these situations. If that helps you dealing with the tension, itā€™s certainly healthier. Being calm or shook has 0 effect on the actual result, which is the only thing that matters, but taking a victory lap in a non-ironic way for two weeks is ridiculous (and factually stupid, but thatā€™s another story)


Thatā€™s an odd use of an emoticon.

This is more misleading than accurate but Iā€™m not going to write an essay about it.

And thatā€™s on poker.

My belief on election night was that cuse was bound and gagged and someone else was manning his account.


No kink shaming!


Meh this is a half day derail without that much real news itt. I vote to allow it. Paging @WichitaDM to self own his election night. That was my entertainment.

Btw I was fine about 1:30 am once I ran Wi/MI/PA in my own spreadsheet and realized Biden just needed mid 60s of the mail-ins and the vast majority of those were urban areas that were going to be at least 80/20.

I already did responding to cuse upthread maybe 40 posts earlier. I also pretty much self-flaggelated myself in the discord the next night so I assume that is why he took it easy on me.

What put me over the edge that night was a combo of being hammered and seeing pinny put Biden at +600. That prompted real despair and a shitposting spree before I passed out and woke up at 6am to the election essentially being over.


All I took away from election night is that people handle stress differently. I was unreasonably optimistic the whole way through, not because I had any special insight, but because it was my most emotionally +ev angle.


I told cuse to STFU on election night for the same reason he should STFU now. Jesus I love the guy but he can be insufferable.