2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Questioning people’s response to the election is a little like questioning how an abused woman responds to her abusive husband.


we have a bet tho remember

Biden’s margins were double or more Trump’s margins in a lot of the key states.


I was calm and don’t think I posted any panic itt

I was also saying Georgia was going blue

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I just remember getting super pissed when someone on here was saying that Wisconsin was lost because Trump was up 10 points or something. I just assumed everyone on here understood that it’s 100% impossible to analyze running vote totals as they come in on e-day unless you are baselining them against something.

Also SuperUberBob made like 4 posts with incorrect electoral math leading to a 269-269 tie.


Yeah I mentioned it in the other thread but I decided to take a month off from drinking and inexplicably chose this month, but in hindsight it was probably a very good thing for me because there’s no telling how drunk me would have handled that night, probably poorly.

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Haha yeah SUB was wolfy af that night it was like someone hijacked his account.

I would have been fine if not for betting markets and the god damn needle.


I think for me I was geared up for one of the early full count states to at least be competitive for Biden. When FL/TX/OH all were clearly gone I am sure a lot of us had flashbacks to 2016 where Hill had to run the table in the rust belt to win and didn’t. The fact Biden was losing them all at midnight by substantial margins brought on a PTSD like response from me. The books basically calling it over for Trump and the alcohol didn’t help my rationality either.

This redux of election night should all be taken in good fun.


From what I could tell during election night, Florida looked really bad and everything else looked ~ok, but this thread made it 10x worse with so many people saying Biden had already lost and it was 2016 all over again.

I was constantly second guessing what I was seeing because of people itt who it turns out didn’t know jack shit and I should have just tuned them all out

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Man, the election was a disaster for the Dems, idk how anyone is celebrating right now. Republicans are a lock to win in 2024 without enormous structural changes in the Democratic business model.


Biden was projected to win in a landslide. He was polling ahead in Florida, Iowa, Texas, NC. He was projected to win Wisconsin by 7 in the RCP average and plenty of polls had him up double digits.

The results started pouring in that made it very clear that all of that was wrong. But obviously you guys knew that the Wisconsin polls were only off by 6 points in Trump’s favor on election night and not 7. So smart. So wise.


Didn’t seem to work in cuse’s case, as he has been quite keen to point out.

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Possibly you’re vastly overestimating how much people give a shit what you think?


I was calm, but only because of my belief that we’re pretty fucked long-term regardless of who is the next POTUS.


Is it?

Lol imagine you making this post.

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Also for the record I was by far the most calm and right about everything to boot. The most calm and the most right.


Why? I don’t think anyone here particularly cares what my views or opinions are.