2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Finally something we can all agree on. :rofl:


Cuse talking to UP posters election night:


I was shook, and Iā€™m still shook. We (maybe) narrowly voted an actual racist, traitorous, super predator out of the Presidency of the United States. What should have been a resounding and full throated rebuke of evil has led to a heartbreaking understanding that nearly half of my fellow citizens have fully divorced themselves from reality and embrace hatred, bigotry, and fascism.

Did I mention Iā€™m still shook?


I checked out pretty early on election night when it became clear we would not get the total repudiation of trumpism I was hoping for.

My lasting memory of this election will be sitting in my office the next morning, deep-breathing and mentally preparing for any possible outcome before checking CNN for the headline.


Yeah, I mean an enormous part of the voter base is locked into an alternate reality media cult thatā€™s only growing and even reaching into Hispanic communities. Tump got ten million more voters than he did in 2020. Dems just have no plan other than hope enough old people die off and younger people donā€™t fall into the alt-right online disinfo bubble. Kamala vs Tucker Carlson is a matchup Dems lose in a landslide.


AZ, GA, WI margin in 2020 (gets you to 269) <
WI, MI, PA margin in 2016

The prophesy has been fulfilled.


In deplorables turning on each other news:


I canā€™t see Mulvaneyā€™s name without thinking of this:



Nah. FL counts so fast that the needle had it pegged as Trump +3 right away, a more than 5 point error from the 538 average. If that was representative of the modelā€™s miss in every state, then this is the map:

![](upload://dlrxubxjcNwzDVRv1QC2AdT3X34.png) Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com

Mick Mulvaney is a god damn moron. Think about how stupid you have to be in November, 2020 to not realize the actual good lawyers wonā€™t take the case because there is no case. The true believer types are just astoundingly stupid people.


Good lawyers will often take shitty cases if you pay them enough. I think here Trump has finally gone far enough that law firms realize the hit to their reputation for trying to help end democracy would be too big to justify the pay day.


The only good news from this election is that the Hannity Alternative Universe has made Predicit unbelievably soft. Although if polling data gets any worse we will all be flying blind.


Just take the other side from Hannity. The guy isnā€™t even right as often as a broken clock. If Hannity is saying something just bet against it. Way way way more reliable this and every other cycle than polls.

What if youā€™re a client with a long track record of not paying bills and you have literally the most toxic brand in the world?


Ask for cash up front in that case.


This is not true of big law firms who do these cases. They do them for prestige/fame, not money. Once the former is gone, they have no interest.

Corporate clients pay a lot better than Trumpā€™s campaign.

Iā€™m catching up on the last 400 post itt and you are 100% correct, like holy shit it is just post after post of jmĆ n and cuse sucking their own dicks, SAD


Oh so we are cherry picking states and they donā€™t even get him to 270?

Why not look at MI/PA margins instead of AZ/GA? The ones that got him to 270? And the ones that Trump had the narrow lead? Apples to Apples comparison?

Oh, because they were larger than Trumpā€™s

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