2020 Election Thread 2: 41 DAYS OF TREASON

Yea first thing I thought.

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Gritty has had some questionable moments during his run as Flyers mascot. Heā€™s truly an agent of chaos. I love you though, @GrittyNHL donā€™t make me sleep with one eye open. Just be careful with the kids!


Idaho wasnā€™t just blue. Biden was up 16 fucking points with 24 percent of Idaho in. It was ludicrous. It was the best evidence we had of the liquid gold absentees yet to be counted in the Midwest.

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Idaho is blue. Just look at their damn football field.

Oh you meant politics.

Never mind.


Anthony Weiner was like thatā€¦

i also went back and skimmed and you guys are misrepresenting what happened. a big part of the forum was depressed about underperforming the polls in general (regardless of whether Biden won or not) because it meant we were not getting the Senate (which we were 70% to win) which meant that nothing was going to get done for another 2 years at the minimum. And then there was the other side i think Clovis, jman and a few other centrists who said they would love the senate but really mostly cared about getting orange man out above everything else, so of course they were more optimistic about how election night was going. Neither side was really right or wrong, they just had two different objectives.


Thatā€™s a blatant mischaracterization. Tons of people were apoplectic about losing the presidency.



Somewhere in the middle, tons of people apoplectic that is was possible that we could lose the Presidencyā€¦ which was a reasonable belief at certain pointsā€¦ like I remember when the betting markets got to -800 Trump in the middle of the night I thought that is way off but more like a slight edge for Biden which is still horrifying.

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I was in thread panic, but not really that panic. If I was actually as panic as I was posting in thread I would have sold my predictit shares. But that being said, I also didnā€™t buy more shares, so guess I was in the middle.




I liked when Christie said early on that if Biden could keep Ohio within 1-2 points then the Biden camp would be happy. And I said no shit Porkstradamus, but the range could be anywhere from 2 to 6. Oh sweet summer child, the final result was Biden lost by 8.

Ok that last one was calm and rational, Iā€™ll give you that.


I never had us worse than 65/35 which was for about an hour, which made me nervous, but Fox and AP called AZ shortly thereafter and I was on cruise control from there.

Once AZ was called, I felt like we were at or above the pre-results odds (88/12 or whatever).

Arizona was a bad call thoughā€¦ play bad, get thereā€¦



I was anything but calm on election night. I had to take a 2.5 hour break to work out. I buried my phone under my covers so I couldnā€™t see it light up. When I came back online I had no idea if it was going to be 2016 and all but over, or something better.

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You were definitely one of the calmer ones on Election Night, like top 25%. IIRC you waited til it was obviously in the bag for Joe to really let that panic creep in.

Most likely, but itā€™s possible they were right and they ran like 2.9 standard deviations out. Impossible to know without knowing what they knew in the room.

My favorites were the regs who panicked and didnā€™t take a break. It was quite fun to go back and read their work on election night after the fact.

Like weā€™re collectively really good at panicking in entertaining ways. We crush it at gallows humor.