The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Shockingly good Ohio data, Biden has a real shot.


While McConnell is unpopular in the USA as a whole, is he that unpopular in KY?

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I’m pretty sure I was far more fucked up by 8pm 4 years ago than I am atm, so we’re super live folks!

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Would be the irony of all ironies if Trump binks FLorida but Biden binks Ohio and we still have a winner tonight. Still fuck florida.

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I still feel like we’re getting a landslide win.


im never going to florida again


Another possible positive: no senate race in FL. If we’re going to have a non-correlated polling miss, FL is basically the best possible state for that to happen.


Florida polls aren’t even closed and you saw Silver mentioning the early in person votes were R leaning and moved to D throughout the day, I still think Fl is 50/50. Just not the 65% I thought it was earlier

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“Key Race Alert” ---- Drink.

This mail in vs in person dynamic just makes all these numbers ridiculous.

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So those mail in ballots in Miami Dade, did those ever get delivered?

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I feel like Trump FL and Biden TX is still in play, but all I care about at this point is NC.



Looks like Collins is more disliked, but Moscow has the biggest gap

I mean, I have to believe FL and GA are correlated with Texas as well, so define “landslide?” I"m not sure about NC either. And I"m really not sure about the senate but goddamnit I would snap call a republican senate at this point if it guaranteed a trump loss.

Fucking needles.

I’m literally shaking/shivering and can’t stop. I don’t know if it’s nerves or what, but it sucks. Florida has me ill but I had written Florida off a while ago so I dont know why.


Like here’s how your resident panicker feels. I’m pissed PredictIt is down because I’d like to see what odds are available on FL.


Its because its so close. Its so frustrating.

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Needle is now at 75% GA for Trump.