The 2020 Election: Delaying the Inevitable

Seriously, that’s what it is. He can pardon Trump, try to heal the nation and say it’s out of his hands while NY Al Capone’s him to death. We won’t waste federal tax money on something that’s gonna piss MAGA off. And if there’s backlash from the left, he can take the fall assuming he has no intention of running a 2nd term.

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Just a blanket pardon would be atrocious. It should always be limited and conditioned on getting the truth out in the open. Since Trump is unable to be truthful, and is liable for state crimes and pre-presidency crimes anyway, there are a lot of political moves thinkable that would create the right grounds for investigations and prosecution and nail Trump, without shaping a template or a narrative on how to go after future presidents for pure political motives.

It can also be a message to Trump’s handlers that its in their best interest to have a peaceful transfer of power.

Here is a picture of him and his team




Need to say it, the “it’s a lock” shit in this thread has been pretty tedious.


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It’s over, it’s arithmetic.

What’s the timing looking like on GA now? Prob no call or Biden into the lead before like 9a right?

When they tried to shut down the count and steal the election, MAGA didn’t send their best and their brightest. They sent Karens and Harlan.

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No idea. Yesterday they said they were going to count everything and finish by like 3am. 5am looks more realistic.

Nah Fulton is continuing to count but a couple other outstanding counties are paused until tomorrow.

Looks like an official update from Georgia Secretary of State at 10:30 am EST.

MSNBC dicking around with a 269-269 map. Journalistic malpractice, they know this race is over.

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Yea I think tomorrow we have President-elect Biden by the time Prime Time rolls around.

Alright it seems pretty safe to sleep til 9:30 or 10am EST.

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