Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

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Did they ever have to build a temp hospital during SARS or bird flu or anything else?

I read they built a 750-bed hospital during the sars thing

Ok that calms me a tiny bit.

I mean the flu probably kills 1% or something considering the old/infirmed/compromised right?

nyt reported one of the people who died from this wuhan coronavirus was 36 years old with no prior health condition

I don’t want to scare anybody, but nothing fuels fascism like a good disease scare, you’re going to get 75% of Democrats supporting closing the borders if this becomes the real deal.


i’m not worried about it. china’s on the case, they know what they’re doing

Yeah the difference this time is it will only be CNN freaking out, instead of CNN and FoxNews freaking out about Ebola when Obama was president.

The flip side, if the ruling party handles this badly and it’s the real deal, they’re in for a world of hurt too.

china: oh shit, a deadly epidemic? let’s build a hospital in 10 days because we can do that

usa: oh shit, a deadly epidemic? can somebody please consider investing in building a new for-profit hospital? no? not enough money to be made doing that? well, thoughts and prayers. see you in heaven if you’re christian.


USA: there is no deadly epidemic, it’s just more MSM bullshit, show your patriotism by making out with every stranger you see


tbf Obama locked down the Liberia, Guinea, and Guinea-Bissau situation reasonably well. We had what, one nurse that didn’t want to be quarantined but Chris Christie made her? That’s about all we saw in the states.

Anyone know what % of people inflicted the Spanish Flu killed? I know the total was like 50M.

2-4% I think the pop was ~1 billion in early 1900

edit: looks like closer to 2 bill so yeah 3-6% global morality

probably tough to be accurate back then but the 2013 bird flu killed 39% of the people infected

by comparison, the US military-designed superflu “captain trips” only had a 25% mortality rate, but it led to the total destruction of society and provided an opportunity for “the dark man” aka “the walkin dude” to build a new society in las vegas based on pure evil, that continues to thrive to this day


The Stand?


That headline :joy::joy::joy:

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