Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Fallout 4?

if george rr martin wrote The Stand that chick would have just stabbed randal flagg in the neck with her switchblade and killed him instead of the knife turning into a banana in her hand. you can’t just fuckin STAB an otherworldly supervillain lol wtf i loved arya but i can’t think of one good reason that valeryan steel dagger shouldn’t have turned into a banana

I read The Stand in 5th grade. Vaguely remember it.

Definitely the most interesting part about the book was the post-outbreak US - not the evil guy or the disease itself.

wrong. the disease was the best part. that’s why the andromeda strain is an all-time great movie. featuring the best monkey-acting in the history of cinema

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I have Contagion as GOAT disease movie - because it’s so realistic.

It starts when pig shit mixes with bat shit in China. Hmmmm

The only unrealistic part is in reality the US govt puts a bullet in Jude Law’s head very early on. Lol free speech.


Contagion > Outbreak, more realistic, but Outbreak solid movie.


My wife and her family are in Wuhan right now. Talking to her every day and a couple of other friends in Wuhan (I lived there for four years), its clear people there are fucking pissed at the government in a way that I’ve never previously witnessed in China.

Not saying you are wrong regarding the US.


Hugs man that’s tough. Hopefully this thing fizzles out and we all stay alive.

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I just saw they will start banning all non-special use vehicles tomorrow.

Where does everyone stand on Cronenberg’s early film Rabid, where after a road accident ex-porn star Marilyn Chambers develops an erectile penis in her armpit that attacks and infects people?



I read Choose Your Own Adventure books in 5th grade.


I read The Stand sometime between 6th and 8th grade – when I read every King book published to that point – and the only thing I remember about it is that it is very long and that I read it.

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Further confirmation that cat people are all a bunch of weirdos.

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Friend of mine from Wuhan has coronavirus.

Once he had mild symptoms he booked down to the hospital immediately as a precaution and that’s where he got diagnosed. Given how early it was diagnosed, he’ll be okay but it just sucks. If discovered early, it’s basically the flu. If it gets into the lower respiratory tract before being diagnosed, it’s far more painful and challenging to deal with.

The fights between cat people and bird people over control of cat populations are pretty amazing.

Don’t diss my freak flag bruv

Thought back to the movie disease discussion and… 12 Monkeys


Omg truly one of my favorites

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