Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand will be coming soon to satisfy your walrus needs.


Whatever you do don’t click this site, it takes your private data and sells it on to the highest bidder


I’m just liberating your data.

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I’m working on it on my laptop (development environment) for a while. Well, I’m doing that in between arguing with @smrk4 who I hope isn’t mad at me, because I’m not the least bit mad at him.

But I checked and “goreo” is registered. There’s nothing to do on the live site yet though. Soon.

The first step to staging a coup is to talk about staging a coup and see who offers support vague enough to suggest but not claim they would join you in a Walrus uprising


I’m 100% behind the Rexx dictatorship.


Thanks to your DOS attack. Back up for now.

Splitting off a chunk of a small community after we barely survived splitting from another, much larger forum doesn’t seem like a great plan to me.


I’m bad at sarcasm in the internet and plead age. You’re not thinking the walrus plot is splitting off a chunk of anything are you?

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Just joking about Rexx, I stan zikzak for life, in case that wasn’t obvious. I also stan Rexx, tho.

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Maybe I’m not understanding what the site does.

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Just playing a game.

I’m thinking about trying it as a plugin for discourse, but I wanna get at least a demo working before I mess with discourse. And the reason the site crashes I think is because $5/month is just not enough to run 2 React sites (and some other things as well, but they don’t crash much if at all). React/node is a real resource hog. I think discourse is at least as bad.

Obviously I would never do this.

Your support is appreciated and I am diligently observing my base by :heart:


This could be yuge

What would an actually fair way of doing primaries be? I’m tired of candidates having to pander to fucking Iowa every election. A national primary day seems a bit sudden. Maybe spread it over three weeks, with 3 tranches of states, and the three tranches rotate every cycle? Idk, but the current method sucks and I want to get it over with.

Throw slips with 50 state names into a hat, draw for the first three or so spots.



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