Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Just googled it. Holy shit.

Tarrifs on Chinese viruses incoming.


Is there a more self-regardingly lame non-pol poster on 2+2 than Zeno?


Zeno is what I imagine your typical Zappa fan is like.

I’m trying to think of Zappa fans I’ve known, and can’t. Maybe I just avoided them for other reasons and never go to know their music tastes.

A couple of his early albums are very good, though.

His song about hippies being “completely out to lunch”, released during the height of hippydom, is hilarious.

I used to live there.

My friends are safe there though. For now.

This guy is currently on Netflix :frowning:

I think one of the best things he did wasn’t music at all.

Ladies and gentlemen… I give you… the track listing from the 200 Motels album:


Semi-Fraudulent/Direct-From-Hollywood Overture

Mystery Roach

Dance Of The Rock & Roll Interviewers

This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Prologue)

Tuna Fish Promenade

Dance Of The Just Plain Folks

This Town Is A Sealed Tuna Sandwich (Reprise)

The Sealed Tuna Bolero

Lonesome Cowboy Burt

Touring Can Make You Crazy

Would You Like A Snack?

Redneck Eats


She Painted Up Her Face

Janet’s Big Dance Number

Half A Dozen Provocative Squats


Shove It Right In

Lucy’s Seduction Of A Bored Violinist & Postlude

I’m Stealing The Towels

Dental Hygene Dilemma

Does This Kind Of Life Look Interesting To You?

Daddy, Daddy, Daddy

Penis Dimension

What Will This Evening Bring Me This Morning

A Nun Suit Painted On Some Old Boxes

Magic Fingers

Motorhead’s Midnight Ranch

Dew On The Newts We Got

The Lad Searches The Night For His Newts

The Girl Wants To Fix Him Some Broth

The Girls Dream

Little Green Scratchy Sweaters & Courduroy Ponce

Strictly Genteel (The Finale)

Cut 1 ‘Coming Soon!..’

Cut 2 ‘The Wide Screen Erupts…’

Cut 3 ‘Coming Soon !..’

Cut 4 ’ Frank Zappa’s 200 Motels…’

Magic Fingers (Single Edit)

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My 18v milwaukee cordless hammer drill broke literally the exact day the 5 year warranty was up.


My God, what has zikzak done??!!


But only in the symbolic, non-literal, just-blowing-off-steam way, right? Right??



Take it in. Maybe they cut you some slack.

Would a popcorn.gif be beyond the pale?

Unstuck “Politics”


They did not. I went into a home depot and there was a Milwaukee rep there who looked at my label which said “1504…” said that meant April 2015 and I’m good. Go to Anaheim and get repair or replace. I go to Anaheim and they say it’s the 4th week of 2015 and warranty expired the 4th week of 2020. No love.

If I ever seek to stage a coup here, the walrus will be my atomic bomb. Rival forum with walruses run on the hour, every hour.



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