Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

“You can’t just slap them on the booty.”


Sounds planned to me.


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There is a change this year, if your candidate does get 15% you’re locked in and can’t switch (lol at that happening before)-- with every candidate being at risk for not getting 15% at some venue in the state could be chaotic.

Primaries are more fair but boring compared to this so no wonder Iowa isn’t changing.

Political Hobbyists are NPR/NYT/Wapo etc.

I’ll take political hobbyists over the privileged shmucks who don’t follow politics and don’t vote or vote for Trump because he’s the goofy silly man from TV.

I won’t. Fair-weather fans and SABERmetrics dorks are all just sports-fans to me.


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I’m very receptive to this kind of argument. However the argument that all political hobbyists want the status quo is ludicrous. I’m doing fine either way. I want better for minorities, for young people saddled with debt, for sick people. Climate change is likely not to affect (effect? fuck) me too much, and I have no kids, but I still am willing to sacrifice a ton to try to abate it. I’ll gladly pay more taxes to get there.

The last thing I want is a center-left placeholder to maintain the status quo for 4-8 more years until Trump 2.0 drags us into full-blown fascism. I’m a white male political hobbyist and I want Bernie or Warren.

I don’t like the term socialism because I think it’s a stupid loaded scare word that means nothing and whatever you want it to mean at the same time. But I want UHC, much bigger social safety net, massively subsidized higher education combined with student debt relief, and no more foreign neocon/neolib adventures.

Maybe I’m an outlier.


That article is terrible and utter bullshit. Who exactly do they think the ‘small dollar donors’ fueling AOC, Bernie, Yang, and Warren are? Plus a lot of us actually do volunteer and our turnout is insanely high for our age cohort.

I’ll have given 5-10k by election day. I’ve already phone banked a good bit, and will phone bank quite a bit more in the general… and seriously I’m pretty overqualified at making phone calls given that I make an extremely nice living almost entirely on the phone.

EDIT: Yes I felt directly attacked by that article lol.

That’s made my day - everything about it is fantastic - the shot, the embarrassed apology and the “no way - really - nice one” reaction. 10/10.

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Reminds me of this. The people in that green Jeep had to be staring death in their rear view mirror at about :09, and then again a few seconds later. Luckily for them both semis swerved to the right instead of sandwiching them. One person did die but I think it happened before the video started.

I always wonder if I was them if I’d try to make a run for the hills. But if they timed it wrong then the truck hits them. You have to get a hundred yards off the highway or in a bunch of trees before you feel safe. And it’s not like you can run to the other side of the highway.

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This is why I’m can at least accept those that are “Bernie or bust”.

Obviously Biden > Trump in the short term. But if Biden winning leads to massive losses in 2022 and then more losses and a Josh Hawley/Tom Cotton type in 2024, will we be better off in 2040 than if we just take our lumps this decade with a Biden loss? I think the answer is still yes, but the argument the other way does have merits.

The best counter-argument is that I thought this way after Hillary lost in 2016. The fact that it’s 3 years later and Biden is the front runner harms that counter-argument.

Any dem is going to lead to massive losses in 2022. We just have to accept it and know that it’s worth it for SCOTUS and stopping Trump from destroying our democracy

This is an actual store on Palm Beach Island:

What did you buy?