Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Since we’re posting the greatest hits of early youtube.

My brother had a car that got totaled from hail in Arizona. (insurance definition - cost more to fix than it was worth - but it was dented all over)

Well played

thank you but sadly, it wasn’t a real yolo in $ terms so I didn’t get a lot out of it but at 5-6% I was right in my analysis (I said it before in other threads before that post). Hard to fire too much on a market that is going to have an obvious insider advantage on it though. (which it did and lol me I didn’t follow it for the rest of my $ I could when it happened)

At least I didn’t bet warren (which under the rules is a no, because on that site tiebreaker is based on alphabetical order of last name, so many people lost $ cause of it)

Pretty sure that there were some NYT employees dropping some cash on that line.

Though I wonder how big a bet it would take to dramatically shift the odds on PI.

Depends on volume of the market. The hillary running for president market is still at 10% yes so idiots outnumber everyone else by far but the steyer ones that definitely did moved hard pretty fast.

The terrible assumption behind the move is that the NYT endorsement means jack shit. Max short KLOB obviously.

The NYT endorsement is really useless. It’ll be forgotten in a few days.

there’s nothing to max short on her right now, she’s super low everywhere (like maybe at best 3% odds) and she got higher in dec after she was the media darling for a week.

I expect her to get like 6-7% in Iowa or something

Then I’m hoping it goes up enough to make it worth shorting her.

You know, I wouldn’t be so sure that Klob doesn’t take a bit from each of Pete, Liz & Sleepy and makes it over 10%. I’d guess Klobmentum is generally good for Bernie.

She has to get 15 in IA somewhere for it to matter delegate wise there.

Definitely true for NH though. Yang getting big numbers would be bad for bernie similarly I reckon

Does anyone know the specifics of how IA works? Like can they get 15% in just one high school gym/church basement to get on the board? Or do they need to get 15% overall? Cause I don’t see how they’d know that in real time. Or is it that they need 15% in every location?

You need 15% in a precinct to win delegates from that precinct. Those delegates go to the county convention to choose more delegates. Those go to the district and state conventions, where the actual delegates for the national convention are chosen.

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Someone page Anthony Bourdain’s ghost to talk about stupid rich people please.

Holy fuck is that hideous. Aimed squarely at narcos and corrupt government officials from developing countries with oil money ldo.


I think I found one of those in a Cracker Jacks box.

It’s like a satire on how dumb and useless watches are.

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