Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Lol wtf? Are these posts still online?

Hancock is a great movie but Deadpool and Logan are right up there as well. Your Godfather opinions are bad and you should feel bad. Although I didnā€™t really care for 2. 1 is such a great movie.

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I think itā€™s market value is already the highest of any auto company (at least US) which is just completely absurd. I wanted to short it bigly but Iā€™m well aware logic and sense do not matter in the stock market so I guess shrewdly I did not.

Shorting all the shit they hyped thatā€™s trash in reality too which nearly always works great didnā€™t work out well either, the market has taken all the stupid shit to invest in up with it.

Didnā€™t realize Trump posts on 2+2

TS is a troll and claims that Trumpā€™s a genius and none of the sheeple (ie us) are bright enough to understand that.

It would be great to have 3 or 4 more people for @seitiesā€™s Walrus: Walrus Quickie for those who didn't get into the other Walrus Quickie sign-up thread

What is with the insane number of Grammerly ads on YouTube (using it to listen to music at work)? New theory that I just pulled out of my butt is that the company doesnā€™t really exist but is just a plant for you to buy ad-free YouTube. ā€œHow much would you pay to not see these stupid ads anymore?ā€

Who wants to tell him

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Adblockers? Iā€™m at work so not installing anything.

Just making a joke that ads are targeted around your search history and viewing preferences. I havenā€™t seen a Grammarly ad in who knows how long.

@RiskyFlush (Moving out of trump thread)

Iā€™ve dabbled in ps/gimp (just for the lols) for a long while. Iā€™m usually disappointed with the results though since I lack real skills. I might be up for a challenge though, maybe start a thread and see if anybody else might be interested?

You have me going through my archives and Iā€™ve forgotten a lot of this old junk. There was an old BBV thread (started in 2008 :open_mouth:) where a guy bragged about buying a custom-made travel case for his 30" monitor so he could fly it around with him and play online poker. He got roasted pretty good since it was so heavy and expensive, and hilarity ensued.

My contribution was the following:

The image, like so many in old threads like that one, is long gone, but I found it today:


Obligatory yo dawg we heard you like cases so we put a case in your case.jpg.



When youā€™re a workin man, especially an old workin man, sometimes you get home from installing solar panels (ā€˜slapping glassā€™ as we call it) you have a purple finger and no idea how it happened.



What in heck is going on with your pinky tho.

Nice. My pinky is also bent to the side from a head first slide in a softball game and my pinky hit 2nd base.

My left hand is prestine. Thatā€™s the one I use for hand modeling.

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