Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Meanwhile, in Straya, not content with most of the country being on fire, parts of it are now flooded. The Gold Coast in SE Queensland had a month’s worth of rain in one night. Here is the theme park Dreamworld:

in other words, nobody’s gonna get 270 EV ever again. Faith spotted eagle #2020

Right down the road from me. Fuck is wrong with this world

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I still pop into 22BFI now and then for the lolz and the resident incel reddit troll TS is still insisting he’s a megaballer daytrader despite his repeated claims that TSLA is headed into the dirt. I mean, god save anyone who took any bit of investment advice from that clown, they’d be dead broke by now. Sorta weird that management keeps him around.

I think it’s complicated vis-a-vis Tesla: electric cars are absolutely the way of the future and there’s no getting around that. On the other hand, Elon is clearly a messy dysfunctional bitch who’s going to make ridiculous claims about fully-self-driving cars and Mars trips and underground commuter tunnels and shit. On the other other hand, he has an army of weird nerds ready to sink limitless dollars into his projects, so short-selling him is clearly an insane gameplan.


Tesla is a terrible investment based on any kind of reasonable analysis, but also a terrible short because the market can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent.

Herbalife remains an absolute ponzi scheme scam, doesn’t matter for Ackman.


Not to me. His “best posters” who led the world were throwbacks to philosophers who wrote long, nuanced arguments. Our “best posters” are 2-bit celebrities, exposed con-men, and whoever runs the DPRK twitter account.

I pretty much don’t even consider shorts anymore. I’ve lost a lot of money on them lifetime.

Dude is from up here. Read about it in our local news that he had witnessed his dad try and kill his mom 40 years ago.

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Any chance they have apu die in a cow stampede?

Not sure. I’d ask Matt, but I haven’t talked to him since that awful Family Guy crossover.

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If his failed bet with BTM didn’t change any minds over there, nothing will.

Cliffs on the bet per my best recall: TS bet BTM that he could turn something like $1,000 into $10,000 in one year in the markets. He never made a single trade and lost the bet. Then he said the only reason he didn’t make a trade was because the market volatility that year (I believe 2018) made it so easy for him to win, that he would have felt bad taking BTMs money.

I think the stock has more than doubled since he started posting this picture, which he’s posted what seems like dozens of times over the years.


Superhero movies peaked at Hancock :smirk:

Oh and I love me some fast & furious and look forward to it every year since childhood :smiling_face:

And The Godfather has to be the worst series of films ever made… It was like reading old newspaper clips of the gangster life style. Nothing new told, nothing new shot and a cast that partied for weeks on end did not help the productions

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The Godfather is good but overrated. Most of the comedy in Dr Strangelove has aged like milk and borders on unwatchable. The prequels, sequels and original trilogy of Star Wars are largely of a piece in terms of quality; skiffy space-opera schlock for kids of all ages.

ETA didn’t see the edit - snap!

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This is a take I think we can all agree on.

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Fright Night was 1 of the best 80’s comedy’s… Great subtle comedy moments.

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