Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Sample FlyerTalk madness:

Why wouldn’t shaving 5 minutes off of boarding times allow them to schedule more flights in a day (either per plane or per gate)? Obviously not on all routes/airports, but some?

Yea I think per gate is an interesting way to look at it. AFAIK airlines pay airports for gate usage rights, right? Maybe saving 5 minutes across all flights at all gates would allow an airline to drop a gate from their lease and save money that way.

Seems to me window, middle, aisle makes the most sense but you can’t do it because it breaks up families and the airlines can’t upcharge for early boarding / make elite status people feel special.

Neighbor looks very…Trumper. Can someone ID this iron cross looking emblem?

Knights Templar.

Maybe they’re just really big Assassin’s Creed fans.


I know Spirit Airlines was experimenting with making passengers board naked and covered in baby oil. Not sure if they stuck with that.


Also holy shit at the crusades flag. Hope you’re renting.

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Knights Templar flag —> 100% Nazi shit.


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We need to get Mikael Blomkvist on this to get to the bottom of it!

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We are renting, thank god. I’m afraid to Google it but assume it’s something like knights templar = crusades = kill browns / muslims = ethnic cleansing = deeply racist / nazis?

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Go to your county’s property appraiser web site and find out who your Nazi neighbors are, unless they are also renting

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You’d find references to the English Defence League and Anders Breivik if you Googled it.

I couldn’t make it past the first couple of paragraphs of that article, but if the suggestion that the Swedes have broadly dismissed Meyers-Briggs as 20th century Jungian clap-trap is correct, then they are way ahead of us.

As a husband to a brown wife and father to a brown child I’m inclined to not just planfully ignore this but I’m unsure what action to take TBH. HOA?

Poop on his lawn.


Just having an American flag on a big ass flagpole like that would be enough of a warning sign that you’re dealing with a lunatic. The cross is really just taking it over the top.


Better: Allow my dog to poop on his lawn and refuse to clean up after my dog. ;)

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