Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

anyone watching maddow? millenial scum here, I don’t own a tv or have cable obv.

I’m watching and refuse to believe Lev is only 47 years old.


Can’t wait until this gets to The Supreme Court Sponsored by Donald J. Trump

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twitter seems abuzz wrt the interview. Anything actually interesting going on?

“Today the court decides that the ERA is not recognized. Because fuck you, that’s why.”

  • Justice Thomas, for maximum trolling

(Justice Roberts, writing separately, concurs in part and dissents in part).

“I object to the majority opinion’s use of “fuck you.” The legitimacy of the Court is paramount. So fuck off.”


Honestly I’m more angry at rainbow girl’s parents for sending her to such a shitty school.

Looking forward to the strained reasoning that the Founders placed no time limit on amendments but we’re going to for similar’fuck you, that’s why’ raisins

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I’ve only been half watching and it seems oddly edited tbh. He’s not exactly a dynamic personality either.

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Maybe one of you lawbros can explain this ERA business to me. It sounds like the entire argument has nothing to do with the merits of the ERA itself

If congress put a time limit on the ratification and it didn’t get ratified in that time period, that seems pretty open and shut.

So what is the legal argument for making it an amendment?

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There’s a really good Cornell Law post on this subject if you’re into reading dense subject matter

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I’m old enough to remember when UofT grifters went on Joe Rogan to hawk their books, also lol UTM.

Thanks. That’s even better than I was hoping for.

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This seems like a fun development.

Also, dude’s name is Chad Wolf.

Well, after reading it, I guess it’s not exactly what I was hoping for. I skimmed it, but I didn’t see any analysis of the specific question that I had. It did, however, discuss several other relevant issues that I’m sure will come up when this makes its way through the courts.

It would be extremely amusing and satisfying if that happened now.

Lol Alabama, Louisiana and South Dakota. Imagine suing in 2020 to prevent equal rights.

No question. I’m actually pretty amazed at the lack of bullying, fights and general bitchiness amongst my students.

The newer generations are always objectively better than the older ones.

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It’s insane how worked up people get about airplane boarding processes.

It’s particularly weird how worked up elite frequent flyers get about the process for the non-status plebes in the back (just read flyertalk etc to see this insanity).

most of it revolves around coming up with faster methods for boarding but what nearly everyone is missing here is that the airlines really have no incentive to speed boarding up any more. Going faster is only useful if it will allow them to schedule one more flight for a particular airplane in a given calendar day, and shaving 5 minutes off the process isn’t really going to do that, so instead they’d rather use a less efficient system that makes their elite flyers happy and allows them to monetize the process a bit (fees that non-status flyers pay to board early to guarantee overhead space).


FlyerTalk people are legitimately insane. It blows my mind that I’m flying with these seemingly normal looking psychos.

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The older I get the more I hate hate hate flying.

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