Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Doesn’t have to be that big of a bomb to do that, a 2000 pound iron bomb has a lethal radius of like 400 yards and that has less than 1000 pounds of explosive in it. So if it was the size of the Oklahoma City bomb (5000 pounds TNT) that’s probably how they would describe it.

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How did we get to the point where American people are so fucking mathematically and scientifically illiterate that we have to describe things in terms of “football fields” rather than actual units.

It’s a quarter [of a] mile.

Edit: are end zones included in this “football fields” unit? I have no idea, but if they are then it’s a third of a mile.


We should complete our transformation into USA#1 and just adopt “football fields” as our preferred unit of length for large distances.

Distance from New York to Boston? Why, just 3600 football fields.

Highway speed limit? 970 FF/hr

I mean shit, no one knows what the hell an “acre” actually is. Football fields are two-dimensional, might as well use them for area too. Just bought a house with 5 FFs of land!


Fuckkk… The local primary School at my house is up in flames atm… Around 10 fire engines and its blazing.

We have a wind storm atm too, so it’s a dangerous job and watching from my window atm half the school is on fire :pensive::pensive::pensive:

I think the fire Brigade can’t deploy the high ladders… :disappointed:


Mind is blown that anyone else has ever watched this movie.


Fingers crossed it’s only the building.

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Roof has collapsed and it’s bad…

Local kids are at my house watching it, not heard if it was them yet. :thinking:

Whole building is up in flames now and the sides have fallen… :pensive: Fuckkk

Dam… I’ve never seen a building go this quickly… It must have been burning for a while…

Surprised that anyone over 50 hadn’t seen that movie.

Those are two examples of very large bombs.

I vaguely remember seeing it and it not being very good

It had Annie Potts topples in it, what more did you want as a child in the 70’s?

Was she a golden girl or a designing woman?

I think the corvette was purple

Good point. Guess I was saying that’s how they’d describe a van full of diesel and fertilizer. And that you probably wouldn’t be likely to be killed if you were standing five hundred yards away, but you certainly could be. There were thousands of people within 500 yards of the OKC bomb but only 160 died, almost all in the building right next to the detonation.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1216700875109883910&

googles with safe search off


Plinko should be in the Olympics.


The Hindustan Times is way ahead of you: China’s giant telescope with area of 30 football fields goes live

Even with football fields we’re stuck with Imperial and metric, though.


I need to keep up better with this thread because I love all the conversations going on that I miss but wanted to point out that this has been blind taste tested and water makes no difference in pizza (I’m 95% sure it was pizza and not bagels, could’ve been bagels I suppose but the point is that water doesn’t matter for food like it does for beer or coffee).

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