Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

What is it actually made out of?

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I might as well buy the cheap fake stuff. At least it’s cheap!

Maple syrup is expensive everywhere. Finished product is 1/40th the volume of collected sap, which can only be collected for 3-6 weeks out of the year through a laborious process that can’t be automated and is spread over many acres of dense forest.

ok unstuckers, what’s the best seat in a cimena?

  • front row center
  • front row aisle
  • like 3 or 4 rows back, center
  • like 3 or 4 rows back, aisle
  • exact center, center
  • exact center, aisle
  • toward the back, center
  • toward the back, aisle
  • way in the back, center
  • way in the back, aisle
  • i sit somewhere in the wings because i’m a fuckin idiot

0 voters

(assuming there are a ton of people there and you get early or something)

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Depends if you actually want to watch the film or just make out.


in which case you’d want center near the aisle, of course

exact center center is the closest to the right answer, but in big theaters it might be like 1/3 the way back/10 or 15 rows.


How much would a good maple syrup cost? Link to any good ones, preferably not Amazon.

If the theater is big enough, I sit in the row directly behind the metal bars dividing the middle level from the lower level.

If it’s smaller and only a single plane of chairs, then as close to center center as possible.

I did one time sit in the back corner so I could text a family member during The Wolverine. He lived on the other side of the country, and it was the only way for us to “watch” it together.


that’s adorable


You could try here if you’d rather not support the Canadian Big Maple cartels.

Here’s an official listing of a bunch of individual Vermont maple producers if you want to go super local and direct.

Why am I now contemplating buying $200 of maple syrup when I’m on a diet and even when not on a diet only have pancakes every few months?

Late capitalism.


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This is my shocked face


This is going to wind up like that It’s Always Sunny episode only instead of hoarding barrels of gas Rexx is going to hoard barrels of maple syrup stolen from Canada’s strategic maple syrup reserves*.

  • – Oh yeah, that’s a real thing, look it up.

As long as it doesn’t end up like this…