Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Cut your desired slice of pie and place it on a dish that is safe to go in your oven at a very high temperature. Preheat your oven to 450 (or, better yet, use the broiler setting. Cut a slice of cheddar (relatively thin, but wide enough to cover most of your pie slice. Think almost Kraft Single type thickness). Drape cheese over the slice, and throw it in the oven. We’re only trying to warm the pie and melt the cheese (we don’t really want the cheese to brown or get too crispy), so it should only take a couple of minutes and you probably want to just stand by the oven and pull it when the cheese is just starting to melt.

Alt: this would be an excellent use of a toaster oven, if you have one

Thanks, all.

There are no apple pies in my immediate future, but I’ll give it a shot the next time the opportunity presents itself.

Has anyone ever been to a restaurant where this option is offered. I’ve been to a fair number of pie places and don’t ever recall it being a menu option.

It’s a popular enough option that all the apple pie places in the town of Julian,CA (famous for their apple pies) offer it when you buy a slice for dessert.

So this has definitely made its way to CA.

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Also how aged do we want the Cheddar? As sharp as possible or milder?

How do they do it? Gregorio method or melting method?

Speaking of strange pie antics, my BIL is from Scotland and his parents were over at the holidays. They put their raspberry pie in a bowl and poured heavy cream on it. They seemed surprised when I told them I had never seen or heard about eating it that way.

I’ve never tried it. Sounds terrible to me, especially when the other topping option is drizzled caramel.

+1 for sharp

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I mean what other way would you eat it… BTW we put double cream on most all desert pies including Cheesecake and chocolate cake.

Rubarb pie and double cream :ok_hand:

We used to have an abundance of red and black berry’s just growing anywhere really around the city as kids, unfortunately there mostly gone now… :pensive:

Nice badge… :joy: I approve :grin:

I think double cream is what we call heavy cream. When we use it on pie we usually whip it first. I have never seen or heard of just pouring the liquid on a pie like it’s a bowl of cereal!

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Yeah, we had blackberry and raspberry bushes in our back garden when I was a kid. Gooseberries, too, but fuck that shit. And there were a fair few houses around the way with berry bushes just hanging over the railings. You do see it far less, it’s a shame.

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I believe its the same… Heavy/Double.

I don’t do the whipped myself except for pecan toffee pie as caramel with double cream ain’t too good as it’s so heavy :rofl: on the stomach.

The trick is not to drown it and add as needed… :grin:

Ok smacc and allin are confirmed relatively normal. The rest of you are whackos.

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I had sourdough pancakes the other day - with legit real maple syrup. Best pancakes I ever had.

I don’t know. I can’t see how adding cheddar to pie is any stranger than throwing your pie in a bowl and pouring liquid on it.

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You can’t possibly know what legit real maple syrup is.


The literally sell it in every state these days.

Cream is delicious, it doesn’t need fancy whipping with sugar. Smacc already explained you just add a little and grab more as needed. It’s not rocket science people.

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Also the people who made the pancakes are from Canada and very serious about their maple syrup.