Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Fair enough. 400 quatloos on the newcomer!


Ok Iā€™m sitting here wanting pizza for brekkie and am trying to work out who the buggest loudmouth is. Productive use of my morning time. Iā€™m leaning towards Johnny but I think thatā€™s personal bias. Lots of jabbermouths to choose from.

To be fair how would you feel if your only cultural food identity was pizza. Everyone makes pizza everywhere. New York probably has the weakest goto food for any city with 500k plus people.

So let them pretend like pizza, which is one of the most popular foods in existence, is only good in New York.

Imagine being owned on food identity by places like Cincinnati and Pittsburgh.

Iā€™m guessing being from the land of magical water we also have the best Pizzas even though we have very few actual Italian shops selling themā€¦

My go to Pizza shop since childhoodā€¦ As they 1st opened round the corner from my granā€¦ :joy:

Okay, so Eusebiā€™s deal in pinsa, not pizza, but we couldnā€™t not include them. The difference, apparently, is that pinsa is a hand-stretched oval, around 10 inches, and packed with the toppings of your choice. The Toscano - with tomato, mozzarella, Italian sausage, potato, onion and chilli - is the stuff of dreams.

Our shop still does the original Pizza pie

I will be disappointed if Iā€™m not drafted early for biggest loudmouth.

If the water impacted flavor that much it would have an impact on a massive number of other foods too.

They make the same claim on bagels too. Crazy New York City Water Cartel propagating these myths.

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I hope these users take this as a compliment.

Johnny an easy contender. I would also say riverman and jmakin for pure unfiltered hot takes. Which can be divisive in politics, but get them applying those hot takes to a double blind taste test and TLC has a new flagship reality show


personally I think a turkey sardine pizza sounds delicious!

How many users do we have at Unstuck? Forty? Iā€™m sure you made at least the top thirty.

suzzer has to be up there

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Dude. Of course they included a third option no one wants. Thatā€™s lawmaking 101.

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Who cares, eat what you like. Why listen to a bunch of pretentious NorthEasterners about anything?

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Over 350 registered accounts, actually.

WichitaDM has some decent takes too, heā€™s very rarely around lately and spits hot fireā€¦


Thatā€™s a great suggestion. His takes are generally too hot for my sensitive nature, but Iā€™d gladly subscribe to his taste test takes

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So are we going on volume or level of heat?

Iā€™d say heat. Volume not needed. Maybe even not desired.

Ok, so letā€™s say I want to give this Cheddar + apple pie abomination a try, how exactly I am supposed to do it optimally? Assume I have a piece of pie at room temp and some cheese in the fridge.

So wait till cheese gets to room temp also, lay it on top of pie, and then eat?

I never liked it, but my grandmother passed down her own recipe and instructions for preparation.

  1. make her apple pie (obviously I will not share the recipe)
  2. place a cold slice of mild cheddar cheese on top
  3. set at room temp (68f) on a plate together
  4. while you wait for the cheese and pie to merge (about 20 minutes), place an adequate serving of whipped cream around the pie (the size does not matter, but it helps if itā€™s about the outline and height of the slice of pie)
  5. the whipped cream has a slight balancing effect for the temperature distribution, but you mostly want how this enhances the scent, which as you know is half of where ā€œflavorā€ comes from
  6. hopefully you have been keeping track of the time, because you must eat the pie when it has been sitting there for exactly 25 minutes (adjust for f/c and temperature variance)

If you take any longer, it tastes exactly like youā€™d expect (awful), which is why an absent-minded person like me cannot be bothered