Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

The fired Boeing CEO is walking away with $62 million, more than the aggregate compensation to the 346 dead people from the MAX. Great country




thoughts and prayers!

Jesus what does that make cake? Toxic waste?

Cake is great as long as it doesn’t have fruit in it.

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That’s pretty good. More of them on

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Coconut creme

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My strategy is to not tell other people my strategy.

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That was always my “strategy” and pretty much everyone I played with. Then try to trade for monopolies. I definitely favored orange if I had the chance. Reds seemed to suck pretty bad. Greens were awesome to get a monopoly on. Light blue seemed pretty good too - and you could sneak up on people with it.

Also we never played by any of the auction rules or 10% mortgage tariff or w/e. And we did say you get the fines when you land on free parking. Basically the simple kid rules. Every now and then someone would try to break out the real rules, but we’d revolt. Aint nobody got time for all that math.

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People who play any other way are absolutely not the kind of people you want to hang out and play games with. They probably all hang out together, silently scribbling on notepads, savouring their total annihilation of anything resembling fun.

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Thanks for ruining it for everyone! Any kids on here you can tell about Santa?

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If you’re serious then here are some tips that will make everyone hate you

  1. Creating a housing shortage instantly wins you the game.

To do this, never buy hotels. There are a limited number of houses. Exploit this so no one else can build.

  1. Buy/trade for the orange set. Then red. This gives you adjacent properties with the statistically most likely landed on color and property. If you get any other color properties, mortgage or trade them for red/orange.

  2. Build three houses asap. The jump on rent from three to two is absurd.

  3. Once all properties are purchased, stay in jail. You will continue to collect rent while in jail but will not pay any yourself.

If you only follow 1+2, you will watch everyone bleed money until they are in jail and you run around the board risk free.


I kinda get why my older brother dunked me, tbf it was deserved :rofl:

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Lol at staying in jail. That’s awesome.


I’ve played where the rule was you couldn’t collect rent if you were in jail.

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My strategy is to never play Monopoly under any circumstances, one of the worst board games ever made.



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That’s fine too of course. It’s not essential. Similar with rules about free parking or auctions.

If all you do is trade for orange and red, you can give people irresistible deals. But suddenly you will be winning and they won’t understand why. They thought I was so eager to trade, and I was, until they were broke and I said gimme everything you got.


