Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Did you use any strategies in particular?

Once I stopped playing Monopoly like slots/luck and studied strategy, no one wanted to play with me anymore :frowning:

I haven’t played Monopoly since I was a kid. I can’t even imagine it with strategy.

Willie Nash was originally booked in the Newton County Jail for a misdemeanor charge when he asked a jailer to charge his smartphone.

The jailer confiscated the phone and brought it to the sheriff’s deputy in charge.

According to court documents, Nash originally denied the phone was his. The deputy sheriff unlocked the phone using a code Nash provided and found pictures of Nash and text messages sent that day confirming his location as “in jail.”

A jury convicted Nash of possessing the cellphone in a correctional facility, a felony that carries three to 15 years in prison.

On Aug. 23, 2018, a judge sentenced Nash to 12 years in prison, telling Nash to “consider himself fortunate” for not being charged as a habitual offender based on his prior burglary convictions. Nash was also fined $5,000.

In a separate written opinion, Presiding Justice Leslie D. King agreed the court reached the correct ruling based on case law, but wrote of his concern that the case as a whole “seems to demonstrate a failure of our criminal justice system on multiple levels.”

King said it is probable that the Newton County Jail’s booking procedure was not followed in Nash’s case, allowing him to enter the jail with his phone. King also noted that Nash’s behavior indicated that he was not aware that inmates could not bring phones into the correctional facility.

Justice King pointed out that Nash voluntarily showed the jailer his phone when asking him to charge it, suggesting that he was not told during booking that he was not allowed to keep his phone.

Also, the officer who booked Nash the previous night did not testify at the trial, making it unknown whether booking procedures were followed.

King also noted that Nash’s criminal history reveals a change in behavior, with his last conviction of burglary being in 2001, which he was sentenced to seven years in prison for. For eight to 10 years, King said Nash had stayed out of trouble with the law. He also has a wife and tree children who depend on him.

As the Boeing CEO walks away scot free with $62M.

We are an evil country and always have been. Most of us are just lucky enough not to have been born black and poor in Mississippi. Or an American Indian. Trump is just holding our noses to it.


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I have nightmares over monopoly as a young teen and everytime my brother moved I flinched because I knew I was going head 1st down the pan… Not fun in anyway :rofl:

Fuck monopoly :wink:

Maybe that’s why I’m a socialist :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

The ba****d revised Trivial pursuit too… I hate pie charts too :sob::sob::sob:

  • Apple
  • Cherry
  • Blueberry
  • Pumpkin
  • Pecan
  • Boston Cream

0 voters

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I can think of a few people who probably would deserve that level of suffering, allegedly.

Poll results don’t show up right on mobile

Correct answer is “all of the above, please”. But gun-to-my-head it’s: Cherry, Apple, Boston Cream, Pumpkin, Blueberry, Pecan

Nuts don’t really belong in desserts imo.


These posters are ABSOLUTELY AMAZING.

Why are so many non violent movies depicted as being violent? Goes to show you what the perception was of the US movie industry in other cultures.

Is a thread.


What is the strategy? Buy every property you land on?

I’ve never been a fan of his, but he was never famous for being famous. [Deleted] [Deleted]

What’s wrong with them? They seem ok for me.

From the Adam Curtis doc “The Mayfair Set”.

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Funny I’m close to exactly opposite of your ranking.

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Fruit is not dessert.

Pies suck.


You want to auction the greens, maybe the yellows depending on game conditions. You want the railroads and the oranges. Light blues very good too. It’s much harder to win the game with Boardwalk than people think and you can exploit them.

There’s a great app called Quadropoly. The chance cards are weird (better) and some spaces are off by one spot I assume for legal reasons, but you will learn correct strategy.