Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Someone wants to xfer some money to my bank account tomorrow. They asked me what bank I used to know if they used some system, something new that I had never heard of, which I suppose enables free xfers online, perhaps between different banks who participate. It was definitely something newish, not like “wiring money” or “western union” or “going into a location and depositing into my account” and had a somewhat silly sounding name like all these things do, but I can’t remember the name. (not Venmo or Skrill)

Any help here?


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Yeah it’s probably Zelle. And your bank doesn’t need to directly participate, although that makes it easier. If your bank doesn’t directly participate, I believe the transaction will end up coded as a debit card refund credit.


Yeah, that’s it. Thanks!

Ty. I will check those out tonight.

I use zelle often. Works fairly well.

Gervais already going in on the Globes :joy:


Most of you spent less time in school than Greta Thunberg was pretty great


Succession is cleaning up

Ramy Youssef was really funny too. He started his acceptance speech with, I know none of you have seen the show…

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I laughed out loud to this (can i please request an embarrassed face emoticon)

If this has been true anytime in the past 60 days you probably have a virus.

Those are legit and you should click on them and buy lots of art-themed gifts and scarves and things and maybe a couple of those Rodin reproductions that are practically a steal at $400 each.

I get ads for Amazon which is pretty funny considering I have never bought there and we have an anti-Amazon thread.

One time in the 1990s I was walking up Byres Rd in Glasgow during the daytime. A car drove past at normal speed with a young guy driving; looked cool as a cucumber just driving along at moderate speed. …except there were sparks constantly flying up from the road because he had no tyres at all; oh and there was also a police helicopter following him from above.

It was bizarre and I remember it mainly because of how calm and normal the guy looked & how slow and ordinary he was driving; like he was just going to get some milk and cornflakes on a slow day.


Joaquin is the Joker.

Bringing this over from the NFL thread because it’s great

Been scrolling through his Twitter and it is probably the best athlete Twitter I’ve ever seen


He needs to stick to politics.