Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Twenty years later, Jack McCoy still fighting the good fight!

Note: the protest was organized by Jane Fonda. GOAT.

As long as thereā€™s not one more act of violence in the whole world that could possibly be attributed or misattributed to anyone having anything to do with Iran or Islam we should be ok. Otherwise war.


Fires on a hillside in Victoria


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Not even your pride?


OMG these poor people actually use the money to improve their lives. Without the govt telling them the best way to spend it?

To be fair I havenā€™t read any studies or findings about this, just watched the couple minute clip.

I feel legitimately down and depressed right now, like I might have to take a break from this all just to retain my sanity. The climate stuff was bad enough and paying attention to that inevitably results in a feeling of being supremely fucked, and now that weā€™ve added this Iran mess to it itā€™s become too much. The thought that a significant number of Americans think the climate is fine and that this tiff with Iran is a good thing is too sobering and depressing for my brain to handle.


Iā€™m right there with you. In conjunction with some other stuff going on in my life and at work Iā€™m having a really hard time finding any motivation or any reason to be optimistic about anything.

And itā€™s more than just Trump. Itā€™s knowing that a majority of the citizens of my country are literally racists and bloodthirsty morons. It feels like there is no reason to stay other than almost all other options are not feasible at this point in time for one reason or another.


Yea this really sums it up perfectly. Like you I feel a sense of displacement, like I donā€™t belong / have no reason to stay here in America but not really sure where to go.


Might I suggest anger in place of despair?


Oh thereā€™s plenty of anger. I just keep it bottled up inside for maximum unhealthiness.


Listen to some songs just now. Thereā€™s nothing objectionable about it, but not my cup of tea.

Hang in there hokie, it can be a rough ride being a caring person, never give up as you make people smile every day just by being youā€¦ :v:

Same for you Jbroā€¦ :v:

Keep resistingā€¦ Never give up because thatā€™s what they wantā€¦ :facepunch:


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No one ever really gives up. We just shift into a group of people in dark places considering strategies born out of hopelessness.

Which is why itā€™s so important not to give up.

But itā€™s okay to give up sometimes, too. Thatā€™s where we finally let go of the strategies that donā€™t work and become truly open to something new.

Yā€™all hang in there :+1:


Brilliant on so many levels.


Golden Globes tonight. From an articleā€¦

And while The Irishman had a banner morning ā€” it scored five nominations, the second most of all films ā€” star Robert De Niro was not nominated for best actor, even though director Martin Scorsese was nominated as were co-stars Al Pacino and Joe Pesci. De Niro is, however, nominated for best motion picture, drama, as one of The Irishman 's producers.

Not seen it but hope it wins so De Niro gets the mic. Iā€™m counting on you Bob.

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Didnā€™t even think of that. Didnā€™t even know the GG was tonight. Still havenā€™t seen The Irishman

Ten plus years ago all those things would have been sins for me.

goofy, I appreciate you listing a few of their songs.

I let Minutes to Midnight keep playing after ā€œIn Pieces,ā€ and I loved the album closer ā€œThe Little Things You Give Away.ā€ I think Chester sounds like a a dry chalkboard when heā€™s screaming in his upper register, but around the 5:55 mark, the song segues into an expansive outro that shows off a vocal style Iā€™d only heard him flirt with, such as in his cover of Adeleā€™s ā€œRolling in the Deepā€ or one or two radio singles I canā€™t name.

But Iā€™ve also never listened to a Linkin Park album. Am I missing out on a treasure trove of songs where he doesnā€™t scream? I skimmed through their last studio album, and just skipping around has not yielded much or any screaming, so Iā€™m prepared to admit I misjudged them based on radio singles.