Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Something tells me you wouldn’t even need to be that good a singer.

I might have liked Linkin Park if they’d come out ten years earlier, I was just lol no thanks all the way on them.

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Ty. I haven’t intentionally listened to much of their catalog. All happenstance. I will check these out and report back :+1:

Wild Thaiger near Central & Thomas.

I am not at all culinarily adventurous so I’m scared of Cambodian food on principle.

But Mrs Duker will be enthusiastic about trying something new so thanks for the tip. :+1:

Please report back if you try it. There is a delicious beef salad dish whose name I can’t quite recall (something alliterative like Lab Lak) that you should be fine with but the food is similar to Vietnamese.

Also another late entry and a hot take: there is good music from basically all eras and most of the bands being discussed here are good. There is some popular music that I think is bad but I can’t think of any right now. Also @microbet did you ever listen to B0rns?

Linkin Park is a good choice for a sucky band, thanks for the suggestion! They’re probably better than I give them credit for but I found them super annoying when they were popular. I was also into pop punk/emo stuff around that time so maybe i shouldn’t have an opinion.

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So see the last but one Walrus thread for how well my music taste travels - hint, really badly - but I never thought I’d run into resistance knocking Linkin Park. I mean, you’ve heard them, haven’t you? (See above.) Linkin Park!

Linkin Park was around middle school / early high school for me. I liked them then and still enjoy hearing them on the random occasions a song will pop up.

But in the end, it doesn’t even matter.


My hot take is that people care way too much about defining and arguing about “good” music and forget that a lot of music is just enjoyable to listen to, whether it’s going to win any critics’ awards or not.


it’s a swing state at the presidential level in 2024

I’m serious

Ted Cruz only hung on because of the flood of R voters from blue states moving there.

Even this year at the state level and house races it’s a clusterfuck if dems figure out there’s a ton of winnable districts.

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Damn it. Ponied.

You’re right, I’m joking, sorry. Even though it’s Linkin Park.

This is more of what I wanted to say but you worded it better

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Just got done playing ultimate frisbee and I’m not injured!!!




Please report back tomorrow.

Yeah, I will probably be a bit sore, maybe some pain in an ankle and feet, but nothing that’ll have me limping for 3 weeks. I hope.

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Ultimate should replace Football as the default American sport. It’s more fun to play, more fun to watch, and much easier to stay healthy.

I’ve been in the wilds of Baja for 2 weeks. Have all the isolationist anti-neocon America First MAGA-chuds fully converted to the frothiest war hawks imaginable yet? Or do we still have a day or two left in the process?

This is basically me coming back to reality. I spent many days and nights on beaches with no cel coverage. I talked to humans. I was bored! It was so fucking glorious.


Lok Lak.