Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

If he snorts coke does his sugar craving subside?

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Heā€™s suggesting that Iran bomb the hell out of us?


I mean the more I think about it from their perspective the more I think itā€™s a good choice. They can do whatever they want and the international community is going to let us hang in the wind. Thereā€™s a decent chance Russia is whispering ā€˜Do itā€™ in their ear right now about a massive strike on Saudi Arabia targetting their oil infrastructure. In the long run doing permanent lasting harm to Saudi is in the interests of every other major oil producing nationā€¦ and it would almost certainly topple the house of Saud who have been their biggest enemies for a couple of generations now.

And what are we going to do? Invade Iran? They have a real military with good equipment and veteran troops and we have zero political will for taking real casualties.

Truthfully 9/11 would have been the last straw for us with Saudi Arabia if Al Gore had been president. Theyā€™ve been propped up by us since the beginning and they couldnā€™t even stop their own citizens from funding and carrying out a massive terrorist attack on our country. What a giant bag of assholes. They ran like god when the person in the WH when that happened was an oil man.

Damn I do this but Iā€™m trying to make fun of people that do it.

The three women turned themselves in after suggestions that the fire was caused by sky lanterns ā€” burning, flying, paper lanterns that are banned in most states in Germany.

The women told police they had released three such lanterns on New Yearā€™s Eve.


Overhearing political discussion in America is interesting because you learn that even many people who hate Trump have no idea what theyā€™re talking about.

Youā€™d think they would be more in tune especially since theyā€™re surrounded by it in DC but nope.

Itā€™s so annoying how far right the Overton Window is in America. Here, Iā€™m a far-left extremist. In most of Europe, my views are center-left.

The new contrapoints video if the best discussion of cancel culture ever made. It will go down in the seminal leftist cannon as one of the most important documents in decades.


And no.

Like everything else on the internet, it will be lucky to have 15 minutes of fame before bring smothered by cat memes

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9 exclamation marks. Must be some band.

Some of those that work forces
Deserve hugs and free horses


Rage Against the Machine were not Dems/Libs.


Is this the place downtown? If so good choice. Ever try Reathery Sekong, the Cambodian place on Indian School? If not itā€™s a must.

Yes, but it wasnā€™t all bad. The one-off collaboration between Linkin Park and Jay-Z is insanely good. These mashups transform genre-specific songs into masterpieces.

This Izzo/In the end mashup is more fun than a Miley Cyrus single. It will lift your spirits and put you in the mood to send the Sargeant at Arms for Trump.

I wasnā€™t much of a Linkin fan and dismissed Chester as an awful singer, but his cover of Adelleā€™s ā€œRolling in the Deepā€ showed heā€™s a phenomenal singer who made music that wasnā€™t right for me but maybe was good for the people he made it for. RIP Chester.


If anybody here knows how to sing and can get to Reno, this would be a great opportunity to infiltrate the enemy

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Yes but no way Iā€™m going to Reno

Which songs vs which songs?

I donā€™t know why it was in my recommendations today but this channel seems pretty cool

So guessing China was #1 in Iron Ore would have been relatively easy, but 'Straya at #2 surprised me, dafuq you guys doing down there?


Iā€™m way late to the discussion but just wanted to add from my personal travels that the food in Thailand was excellent (Although you can get good stuff in the US if you go to the right places) and I think food in Italy is overrated. However we were only in Rome which is full of tourist traps (the food we got based on Rick Stevesā€™ book or from our hotel was much better than random places we picked ourselves) so maybe i need to go to some other areas before passing judgement.

I think my favorite thing Iā€™ve ever eaten was a fresh papaya salad on the beach of Phuket, which was otherwise a pretty garbage place. Some ex-pat who wanted to flirt with my travel companion led us to this som tum cart and it seriously blew my mind. Have been searching for something close in the US these last 8 years and have yet to find anything remotely comparable even if the ingredients are largely the same.

Their stuff has weirdly aged pretty well but was a little uncool at the time because of what else was being released between the rock revival/big pop hits. If you were listening to The Strokes you werenā€™t listening to Linkin Park, if you were into Eminem or whatever you were making fun of the kids who were.

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