Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Was in Vegas a few days ago and had some pretty great fried chicken at Mama Bird Southern Kitchen.

If you want some regional flavor and don’t mind taking the Metro to VA, El Pollo Rico is a locally famous fast-food Peruvian chicken joint that’s worth checking out. It’s not fine dining by any means, but damn I love the fried plantains with green sauce.

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Maketto. It’s super expensive at $28 (two large pieces + homemade bread) but well worth it.

Whoever thought of putting caramel syrup on fried chicken is a genius.

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I wish the reason were not the drums of war.

I’m glad you included that last bit there. For some reason, I really don’t like fried chicken with any kind of sweetness to it. I just like it really spicy. Even a hint of sweetness ruins it for me. But that’s just the way I’m wired.

It does look like it does have some other interesting stuff, though. I’ll put it on the list of possibilities. As you know, DC has tons of great options, so that list is gonna be pretty long.

That’s looks like it could be pretty good. Will have to drag myself away from the the strip next time I’m in LV.

It’s about 15 minutes south of Mandalay Bay inside a strip mall. Very much worth the ride imo

Don’t they have one of those in Venetian too?

Edit: I guess not. I thought I saw a restaurant with a very similar name inside one of the casinos. It was packed too.



'Tis the season. As best as I’ve been able to figure, outside of obvious news events our peak posting happens when people are looking for reasons to procrastinate at work. Thanksgiving through the New Year has plenty of other distractions, plus a lot of non-work time. I imagine we’ll pick back up now that the drudgeries of winter are upon us, plus primary season, and maybe a war or two.

Yeah, true. Makes sense.

You’re probably thinking of Yardbird. It’s very solid.

Everthing I tried was very good, but I’ve had better versions of everything elsewhere.

Can attest that mamabird is good. Had chicken and waffles there when I was staying at the M and it was top notch.

Regardless of your musical preferences I think we can all agree that the motherfuckers that shout “Free Bird” at live bands deserve first round in the guillotine draft.

I think in the interests of peace it’s important to remember that we defeated the Taliban in something like 3 days and we defeated Iraq in a couple weeks and yet we never won either war. At some point people think of these things as military failures and imagine the answer is a more capable military.

Yeah, like this is representative of the attitude of the Right:

It should be noted that this is actually how it works in some arenas. That’s why Republicans keep winning at politics, for example. The problem with geopolitics is that if you demolish one regime with hard power, the regime that emerges in the vacuum tends to be worse. The options are:

  1. Avoid the use of hard power wherever possible.
  2. Have an empire.

The problem with the current Right is that they are vehemently opposed to 2) but unaware that this is what the use of hard power requires.

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So, what’s the reason for this? Imo it’s because war-torn impoverished countries are apt to have very bad governments. The people have little or no power and therefore the government needs a very small pool of powerful supporters and they are the kind of people who accumulate power during wars. In a similar way, sanctions, at least harsh sanctions, also make things worse.

I should note that caramel isn’t like what you’d taste in Werther’s Originals. It’s more subtle and less intense. It’s the ideal balance of nild spiciness and sweetness without overwhelming the meat that makes it fantastic.

That’s more or less what I was imagining. Even the most subtle sweetness puts me off. Don’t know why. Lots of people love it.

Putting sugar on fried chicken is gross to me as well. Preference for sweet tastes is known to be about 50% heritable, i.e. equal parts nature and nurture. I happen to know that I am C;C for the SNP rs838133 and that a friend of mine is T;T, which makes him about 40% likelier to prefer sweet over savoury foods, and indeed that is his preference, while it’s the opposite for me.

That SNP is located on a gene called FGF21, which encodes a hormone released into the bloodstream by the liver. The brain contains receptors for this hormone which alter dopamine production in the brain, specifically the nucleus accumbens, which is also heavily involved in drug addiction. In other words, I don’t get the tiny bump of cocaine he does when he eats sweet stuff. This sort of thing is super fascinating imo. We imagine we experience the world basically the same way but we really don’t.