Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand



Are you Irish??

I am. What has you asking about Irish real estate?

A client is working on a fiction project that takes place in 1980s Ireland. Thereā€™s an in-narrative question about what obstacle prevents someone from inheriting property. Way outside of my purview.

Whatā€™s your jerb? Editor?

If itā€™s just a delay, bundle it all under generic ā€˜probateā€™, which can take years if itā€™s contentious or complex. If it has to be no inheritance at all or a very limited one, have the will contravene another personā€™s legal right share, maybe? Not even sure thereā€™s anything distinctly Irish about any of that, so little do I know.

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Thank you very much. That is good enough to suggest something that at least sounds authentic. Not that audiences care that much about obscure Irish real estate law being fact based, but I like to make it so when I can!

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Something like that. Depends on the project and client. I will PM you :+1:

Simon Goat. But you know the plans Iā€™m makinā€™!

What does htt mean in a tweet? I see it everywhere now and canā€™t figure it out.

On vacation in NW. I had the quintessential Seattle moment today. I was sold a $6 donut in a swanky specialty donut shop by a woman wearing a ā€œCapitalism sucksā€ button! :grin:


Thatā€™s because of your iframe. You basically doubled the page views.

Yeah. Doesnā€™t seem like thereā€™s been much inspired posting lately. Just the same olā€™ bullshit.

If anyone needs a refresher on how batshit insane the political discourse was circa the Iraq War, look no further than this June 2002 heady mixture of cocaine and bloodlust from Larry Kudlow. Iā€™m not going to try to excerpt it. It needs to be read in its entirety to get the full experience of the lunacy. I recommend it.

Edit: OK, one excerpt: my favourite part is that the subhead refers to invading Iraq as ā€œfinishing the war strongā€. Old heads will remember that it used to be doctrine that the ā€œwar on terrorā€ was all one big amorphous war. It was ā€œfinishing the warā€ because Iraq was going to be a followup to, as Kudlow puts it later, ā€œthe euphoria surrounding the successful victory in Afghanistanā€. June 2002, folks.


Deja Vu

I had a timeout earlier for a split second. Figured traffic was up.

Texas could turn before we all die off.

Posting certainly feels down, not up.

Iā€™ve been in DC for a couple of days and Iā€™m super disappointed at how few websites have it as a top place for foodies. Yes, it doesnā€™t have some regional food unique to it like the deep south but it has elite level food from cuisines all over the world.

I was super disappointed with the restaurants in Charleston and Atlanta. Nashville had its hot chicken and New Orleans was obviously kick-ass. But Washington DC has restaurants that should not be ignored. I just had the best fried chicken in my life at a nearby restaurant. Never tasted anything like it.


Well, what restaurant was it? I love fried chicken and Iā€™ll be in DC later this year.