Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand


Tom Hanks throughout the monologue



ā€œTom Hanks hoping everyone forgot about ā€˜Bachelor Partyā€™ā€

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That image is the stuff of Islamic extremist propagandists wet dreams. Seriously somewhere out there the head of recruiting for ISIS had a huge orgasm when he saw that picture. ā€œSee we told you they were the modern reincarnation of the crusadersā€¦ā€ That picture is going to still be in heavy rotation with that crowd in 2050.

That five-fold cross is the coat of arms of the crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem. I am not really sure it goes that well with the Trump administration message of supporting Israelā€¦

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Zero conflict unfortunately. Crazy evangelical Christians in this country have been some of the Israeli far rights biggest fundraisers for the last 2-3 decades. They think supporting a one state solution in Israel will hurry along the end times.

I am pretty sure Israel would not be happy with them showing up on their doorstep claiming that the land is actually theirs.

But they know that wonā€™t happen and so do weā€¦ so why does it matter what the so called intention is? Letā€™s not pretend like these dimwits know the origins and true meanings of their symbols.

A whole bunch of them go completely nuts with the nazi symbols without actually knowing anything at all about German history besides far right propaganda. Totally re-purposing a symbol to mean whatever they want it to mean is super standard for these people.

This is the whole reason why holocaust denial is a thing. Itā€™s so that they can appropriate the symbology, trigger absolutely everyone they donā€™t like, and then make up new definitions for things for their low level members.

Those black and white videos of dead bodies being bulldozed into mass graves in the immediate aftermath of the holocaust arenā€™t something the far right shows their rank and file everā€¦ they also conveniently forget to show what happened to the human beings who followed that ideology off a cliff and got brutally killed at Stalingrad or starved to death in Soviet POW camps.

Absolutely no reason why the crusaders symbols would be interpreted by far right people as being for invading Israel, even though thatā€™s what it originally stood for. For them itā€™s 100% about hating and triggering muslims. Not saying anti semitism isnā€™t alive and well with them, but they actually love the idea of Israel because it fits their world view of groups being homogeneous and separate. Itā€™s the Jews that arenā€™t in Israel they spend effort hating.

Never thought Ricky Gervais was very funny, but that was good.

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I know this isnā€™t exactly what youā€™re talking about, but it reminded me of the rise and fall of Tila Tequila

Ricky Gervais has always been the right kind of asshole IMO.



I mean if you think a comedians job is to punch up and speak truth to powerā€¦ Ricky Gervais generally speaking swings fucking hard when heā€™s punching up. Iā€™d definitely prefer not to have anyone speak to me like that ever lol.


Yes for sure. I appreciated him saying over and over listen, this is my fifth time doing this. I will not do this again. And I will make sure no one ever WANTS me to do it again.

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This is absolutely brilliantā€¦

I canā€™t stop watching thisā€¦ :joy::joy::joy:

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I thought you 2 would appreciate thisā€¦ Read the OAE headlines at the bottem their pure dead brilliant man.

Subtitles :+1:

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This one was my personal fave


Remember when this was so absurd we laughed about it and made a terrible remake? Wellā€¦