Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Yes, but they really haven’t been relevant for 20 years and that’s being extremely generous.

Unlike checks notes Television and Talking Heads, of course.

Well, yes? I’m that dumb hipster who still goes to a music festival every year and reads pitchfork daily, sorry to offend!

Self-delusion masked as self-awareness will never offend me. Thoroughly amused over here.

You get that they still suck, right? Like, KISS is still touring.

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I’d say it makes them more relevant than eg Television, which is the single point of contention.

Touring does not make you relevant. Eiffel 65 are touring. They’re even playing larger venues than Duran Duran are!

It plainly does, unless ‘relevant’ is purely your opinion which, like, start a blog.

If you’re touring, but you’re not playing any new shit, or at least if no one gives a shit about your new shit, you’re not relevant. You’re only slightly better than a cover band.


Can we bring back the Iran poll and move this other discussion to it’s own thread?

I return again to Television and Talking Heads. What are they up to?

“Eiffel 65 are still relevant” was not a take I was prepared for today.
Flynn, by your logic Nirvana became irrelevant in April of 94 but Duran Duran are still relevant today. This is insane.

You seem badly unprepared for people not liking things you like generally, honestly.

Only way to see Capitol is a guided tour.

They are free.

20 yo microdaughter could not name a Duran Duran song, but recognized the ones I could remember.

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Now do Television and Talking Heads. She may recognise Psycho Killer, Road To Nowhere for sure if she’s seen Reality Bites (unlikely) and possibly the insanely overrated Once In A Lifetime.

She couldn’t name any Talking heads songs either, but recognized the title psycho killer. You want me to ask her what television shows she knows?

I asked her for TV from the 80’s and she said that one where there’s the boy who supports Reagan (Family Ties), Full House, saved by the bell. And she named a bunch of others that I think are from the 90s.

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Next you need to teach her where they got their band name from.

You may want to avoid telling her the origin of Steely Dan’s name.

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That’s probably about as well as I’d have done answering questions about '60s TV at her age. Probably more impressive given there’s just so much more pop culture available now.

Irrelevance? I’m not sure why you think that you have chessmated me on this.

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