What gets to me about political discourse outside this forum is that even many people who hate Trump and support the Democrats are uninformed ignoramouses. I see terrible arguments from good people on Facebook all the time. One friend on there was against Bernie because of his age but supported Elizabeth Warren. When I pointed out that Warren was also in her 70s, her response was that she was still younger. After that, she ignored my response. Even when I was in D.C., the reasons for supporting people in the Democratic primary were pretty shallow. In a conversation I overheard, one person supported Buttgieg because he’s LGBT and they need representation. Another supported Biden because he apparently learned from Obama as his VP. Such shallow, uninformed thinking from well-meaning people. I’m sure they brought up Bernie being a socialist but I zoned out to give my cringe reflex a break.
We made a zip line in a park with a rather large rope, and a metal hook with rope attached as a grip, it was high enough to cause severe damage and did so when the tree we attached it to had a bee hive.
I rode a horse for a day in Arran and does doing karaoke in a house on a mobile machine count even if I can’t really remember it.
We sang plenty of times in the town centres here and abroad when absolutely drunk as a skunk.