Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Lol at eating Indian food only with you’re right hand… :joy::joy::joy:

French, Italian & German food hold up for me over Spanish, Dutch and Danish food because overall there cheap options are sometimes better than the expensive stuff… :joy:Especially those German sausages after a few beers and pizza. :beers:

I don’t like Spanish food at all except when it’s a chef who’s had experience abroad :roll_eyes: And does not cook traditional Spanish food, except Spanish omlettes and most of there breakfast range tbh.

Ive found Dutch food just to be poorly cooked overall unfortunately…

Any Thai, Chinese, Malaysian, Indian and Japanese food I’ve tried has always been finger licking good + the soups are to die for… And those sweet chilli sauces :kissing_heart:

I could go on all night about any Asian food tbh but IF I had only 1 choice for ever it would be French :sweat_smile: Bon appetite :+1:

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Just skimming the list of restaurants, I don’t think State Bird Provisions (albeit excellent) qualifies as a Spanish restaurant. And while I haven’t been to it, I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that Espetus Brazilian Steak House doesn’t either.

Yeah, it’s a crude list. I’m not going through the trouble of curating that shit.

John Lewis stage IV pancreatic cancer

god fucking hell

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Hot take time. Super fancy high-end restaurants are a scam, and they scam more people by pretending to serve “French” food because dumb people trying to impress their dates assume French just means fancy too.

Hard to do that with paella.

So apparently the town that church shooting happened in is called White Settlement, Texas?

Sweet. Your dislike puts one extra like in the chamber for community use, so I will use it to like your post twice


John Lewis has pancreatic cancer. FUCK


No such thing as a derail in the LC thread imo


I’m starting to think we need a high content thread for actual non-Trump news. Three of us have popped in with the John Lewis cancer news and haven’t moved the needle on the food discussion.

John Lewis is just a super sad situation. He’ll be missed. Someone please tell me if I’m wrong about how deadly pancreatic cancer is so I can stop mourning him right now.

Sad to hear I correctly interpreted it as ‘John Lewis is going to be done as a legislator after 2020 and dead by the end of 2021 most likely’.

Mine too unfortunately.

Meh this was just an excuse to write an article about how much Baltimore sucks.

I’m just sitting here getting ready for the 72 hour shift :sweat_smile: That I actually like doing and not because I’ll get free drugs if I want + I’m almost guaranteed to be groped by any number of drunk humans, casualy assaulted and generally get the shit ripped out of me… I’ll enjoy almost every moment of it… And we don’t even have snow or ICE so I can laugh at the fuckers as they arrive and depart my vehicle :pensive:

All year I get harassment for picking up in the city, but tomorrow + the 1st the local police will be flying in passengers to my vehicle and I’m supposed to just break the Law because the police are asking nicely :thinking:

I may get the dudes that just pay me to ride in town around the streets to see the excitement & the dudes that just need comfort and 1st aid help and a lift to the local AE…

It’s the best time of the year for me as folks actually respect what I’m doing to help the festive period and the tips are great.

I’m looking forward to seeing the back of 2019, tbh it was a heluva year for politics and socialist candidates, let’s hope the small breaks we got can turn into wins in the next decade… Bring on the 2020’s :heart: Peace & Love to all in the world.

P. S. No touching or hugging, I’m sensitive :kissing_heart:

And tip double the fair… :ok_hand::beers::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


Has anyone here ever successfully used the track changes feature in word the way it was intended? Like, not just made changes and had them tracked, but also received changes and then accepted and rejected them without it completely fucking up the format of the document? People send me documents with track changes and I almost always end up just using the old document or starting from scratch, what am I missing here? Am I just really dumb?

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I’ve done it a few times. If you’re combining multiple versions from multiple people, I think it’s easiest to run through the versions individually first to make sure there are no major structural changes, then accept all changes and start merging documents using the compare/merge feature. At the very end you’ll usually have to unfuck formatting in some way, but I still think that’s easier than recreating changes (unless there’s just a couple of edits from a couple of people).

If you’re talking about just a single person’s edits, yea we use track changes all the time and I haven’t run into much trouble just accepting an individual’s changes. Maybe your editors are fucking up the formatting themselves?

What’s the deal with the police here? Are they directing drunks to your cab? How are you breaking the law.

I use it all the time with no problem, don’t know what the secret to it is.

We have 2 types of taxi licence, the black Hackney cabs that you see everywhere are the ones that have the licence to pick up on the streets + they do bookings, our Taxis are only for pre-bookings. No Booking=No valid Insurance.

Since the festivals in and around the city are usually mobbed, and well policed the police know we will never find the correct booking which tbh is spot on, they need the streets cleared for the cleansing departments to show up so we get to take home the folks, fortunately they don’t try us with folks that are too drunk and usually if we ask they pay up front. :joy:

Every year has been the same sofar, like no matter where you drop or how quiet it seems someone will pop out and try to flag/handwave you down for a lift. :joy:

1 year I couldn’t get back out of Edinburgh’s East Coast areas until like 6am :joy: and there’s bookings at the airport/Train stations at that time for me back to my city :joy:

It’s best to take advantage of it because there’s too much work for everyone. :blush:

The Black Hackney tend only to work the city centre, so we have to clear the other areas around the city and that’s where the parties really are. :roll_eyes: