Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

25 years ago I would have broken my phone trying to sign up for bumble.


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Agreed. Go for it.

I have a friend whoā€™s been in the hospital icu for going on 10 weeks with necrotizing pancreatitis. Itā€™s an organ you donā€™t want to piss off. A surgeon said they wonā€™t even make eye contact with the thing.

Is this a trick to get you to watch it over and over to try to figure out what theyā€™re screaming about?

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They are screaming because he is creasing the brand new timbs he just put on (this meme is aimed towards new yorkers). This is a play off of the meme that has been going around recently where the right frame is a video of a white family reacting to their daughter being accepted to college and the then people put in a funny left video that they are reacting to. example below

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Michael Mooreā€™s new podcast

Just hit the air travel jackpot. Flight attendant handing out free drink tickets because they expire tomorrow. Got two. Then got the ideal person to sit next to: a sixty pound eight year old completely absorbed in his video game and totally uninterested in both conversation and our shared armrest.


Left and right not going together makes sense/was obvious, but anyone having a problem with bending your toes in work boots would never have occurred to me.


Cross postedā€¦ As that thread doesnā€™t get as much traffic

for you scumbag landlords out there, or lawyers:

I have a lease that states I am supposed to be the only occupant, and ipso facto I cannot sublease either. Fine. Now I want to do this - but I know my friend will not pass a credit check. I want to get him in. What is the best way to accomplish this?

Also, I also have been without heat for a few weeks, landlord knows, I have notified properly, etc. Itā€™s extremely cold and I have been using a space heater, which spiked my electricity bill by 150 bucks this monthā€¦

What do I do about either of these situations, and can either one be leveraged to help the other? E.g., is the lease still enforceable since I have never had a working heater?

I want a good relationship with this landlord, so I havenā€™t been playing hardball, but honestly itā€™s fucking cold. Thereā€™s a few other minor things like outlets not working in the kitchen and shorting when I turn on the microwave.

sorry if i posted in the wrong thread.

The cool thing thread is not for landlord disputesā€¦ /s

Itā€™s better here bro, it will get answered quickerā€¦ :pray:

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This is going to depend entirely on your local laws. Around here youā€™d file a rent escrow case about the heat. You go to court and pay the rent into an escrow account until the landlord fixes the heat, at which point he gets paid, but the court can deduct from the rent for things like having to pay to use a space heater. Some jurisdictions donā€™t require you to go to court first before paying into escrow, I think.

For your friend, I think youā€™re out of luck unless your landlord agrees to amend the lease.

They have direct access to my bank account, so itā€™s not like I can just not pay rent. Theyā€™ll take it anyway. Then I dispute it? I donā€™t want a big ugly thing.

I guess for the first part my question is really - how risky is breaking my lease? Is it one of those things that would only come up in a dispute, or is it really risky?

Funny story, I did that once. Probably not applicable here though. Ok, I guess I send him something written - there are text exchanges but those arenā€™t any good.

When I got thrown out into the street at 19/20 years old, I had to find a place to stay within like 3 days. Ended up in this total slum where the landlord was breaking laws left and right. No insulation, plywood floors, no ceiling (went straight to the roof), nails sticking out everywhere, no heat, barely any plumbing. Heā€™d come and go as he pleased. I was just a dumb kid and didnt know any better.

Came time to leave, I found a really great apartment with some guys that basically rescued me from that place. I had to give my landlord less than 30 days notice to get this place - it was like 3 weeks notice.

He got super fucking pissed and threatened me with all sorts of stuff. I at this point had read up and informed myself of the laws, and simply asked him, ā€œdude itā€™s been in the low 20ā€™s at night and thereā€™s no heat, you come and go as you wish, etc. etc. Do you really want to get in a tenant dispute? I doubt what you are doing is legal.ā€

And he shut up and I never heard from him again but gave a weak ā€œi thought we were friendsā€ kind of whimper before the call ended.


oh yea funny anecdote from that whole thing, I came home one day and my entire outer wall was gone. Like literally gone, just open air to the ground below. No explanation, no call, nothing. I literally had to call the landlord and be like, ā€œHey, what happened to my wall?ā€

LOL. I guess Iā€™ve come a long way in the last 10 years.