Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Who the hell are those Canadians and what do they think we own?

Y’all can have Alaska. Take fucking Murkowski with it

Take Wyoming while you’re at it.

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Honestly though I’m impressed that there’s a worldwide measure of imperialism that the US actually does well in. It’s like discovering a useless hidden talent or something.

Sure we suck at life and are hated by everyone we’ve ever met, but check out this cool shape we can make with our tongue!

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Fun fact time:

Although Murkowski has won three full terms to the Senate, she has never won a majority of the vote; she won pluralities in each of her three races, with 48.6% of the vote in 2004, 39.5% in 2010, and 44.4% in 2016.

The UP, obv.

Also just realized my drink tonight is in-character:

(yes that’s a koozie on a cup, fuck you)


I would like to propose a trade of Maine for Novia Scotia.

Alaska is a cool state. No way we should give it up.

Yea but so is Canada. I see no difference tbh

Andrew Yang getting metoo’d.

Jesus why can’t these fucking guys act human. I really liked him. Fuck.


Wait it’s his wife was assaulted by someone else. Damn twitter as a news source.

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Ah iirc that had already come out because she discussed it in an interview. I hope that’s the situation.


Sexual impropriety is probably normal human behavior. I don’t think consent as we understand it is some thing that is instinctual. As common as sexual assault is now, I can only believe that it was completely normal throughout the vast majority of human history.

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Dunno if you missed it, but Yang was not me too’d.

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Someone yelled at me for using metoo as a verb (metoo’d).


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What was the exact wording of the question? That headline sounds pretty clunky.

EDIT: Okay, I got it. But what parts did each person think belonged to them? I see it being pretty easy for some Spaniards to think that Gibraltar belongs to them. I can see why Greeks might think that Macedonia belongs to them given that they fought politically over its name for years.