Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

This is cool. I like how it’s a double whammy: both a “Wow, look at this grandma go!” but also a pretty good burn on Disturbed.

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Also I chose a career path that would never put me into a massive power imbalance relationship with a scumbag like Harvey Weinstein. Really ladies, it’s not that hard. #CHOICES


I hope someone had the statistics ready regarding the percentage of sexual assaults that occur between people that know each other.

I’m going to guess that she’s been in a room alone with Harvey, so I call bullshit.


I working on a project right now to design a highway overpass for use by only wildlife.

Do we call that the Trump Precedent or the Weinstein Precedent? Hard to figure out which one began sexually assaulting people first. Ah well, give them both a prize for decades of shaming and silencing victims.

Yeah well you can successfully avoid 100% of all crime by being a hermit (thanks to home deliveries). What an awful woman.

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I’m far from an expert but from what I’ve read about tribal societies throughout history, they’re usually extremely violent.

I’ve read a lot and rates of violence overall were high, but like I said, there are other factors like competing for scarce resources which confound any conclusion that “human’s are innately more violent without control”.

But Clovis is the expert, at least in some subset of the field.

The idea that tribal societies don’t have any internal control systems is wrong.

But take an established tribal society under no threat from other tribes or from lack of resources and it’s probably way less violent than modern day America for instance.

Yeah this is extremely true. Huge variations from tribe to tribe on a host of different variables as well.

We get black swans. Good luck getting out and shooing them, particularly if they have cygnets. They’re mean fuckers.

The neoclassical style isn’t structurally necessary anymore so all the columns and whatever are going to be the equivalent of the front on Taco Bells.

Architects can get their heads too far up their own asses but ruling out everything but one style seems like a bad idea. I still say bring back Art Deco.

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I have ornithophobia and thats like my worst nightmare

I also fear black swan events.


The white ones are pretty mean. I spent a few days near Victoria, BC with my wife and kids. Place was on a lake that rose and fell with the tides and there was a family of Canadian geese–mom, dad, and 2 or 3 fuzzies. A giant white swan came over and started kicking the shit out of the babies and the parents just took off and left them to fend for themselves. My kids and wife all looked to me to save the day. Didn’t happen.

The probability to be killed by a swan in your own home is very low but never zero. Never zero.


He nailed West Virginia somehow. I would have thought that’s one of the tougher ones.

He also got Arkansas! I lol’d at Wyoming = “Square”