Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Hahaohwow. Did you read the posts in that discussion? The trope that capitalism has lifted so many people out of poverty was brought up and my point was that it was mostly technology and now you’re refuting me by saying, no, it was mostly technology.

I read the discussion to be about whether it was right to give Stalin credit for a low poverty rate.

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“Ordinary” people are created by the state, not the other way around. The big tiger is the kind of people who would be created without the state. Maybe they’re nice?

Yes. They are nice.

You came in late. It was that it’s technology, and public programs, whether done by Roosevelt’s department of agriculture, public universities, or Soviet Russia all made big contributions to technological advancement.

Can confirm. Villagers in extremely remote parts of West Africa very nice indeed.

Tribal societies tend to be exceedingly violent.

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I don’t think that’s as true as most would suggest, but there’s a problem there because societies that have remained closed and tribal in the face of opportunities (and coercion) to join civilization are not the same as societies pre civilization. You can’t look at the wildly exceptional groups and make generalizations about Humanity without being very careful about that.

At any rate, there are many factors which affect things like intergroup conflict, like scarcity, which reflect environmental pressures rather than suggest some inherent level of human violence that must be throttled.

Came in to moan about the public driving standards, especially on a Friday… Its not that it’s overly buzy here or long waits compared to like London, but the road rage here is out the fucking window.

I wouldn’t mind reading that Traffic book that some posters mentioned :v:If anyone can post the name… :wink:

SUV drivers are the worst… :sweat_smile:

I knew TO was bad but not that bad. Wow.

LA is the worst I’ve ever driven in North America. Worst ever was Manila.

I’m super scared about the next few years of my life as they are planning on upgrading the main road here in Calgary. It will be shear gridlock for years!


And now I’m in a blind rage again.

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lot of sheep traffic in those parts?


You got me.

I’ll never understand the value of these types of posts.

That make me chuckle.

It’s a joke? “Shear gridlock” made me think of a bunch of sheep bunched up on the interstate, which amuses me.


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