Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Not much of a brag, but us Angelinos on traffic are like New Yorkers on pizza. You all don’t even know what traffic is.


Speaking as someone in trucking who has a LOT of data on how long it takes trucks to move various places LA is basically the worst… but that’s mostly because it’s so fucking big. In terms of miles per hour it’s just bad traffic. Atlanta is basically the same (again because of geographical size).

But we beat you in congestion!

Not sure how Boston doesn’t at least make an appearance on these lists because the traffic blows.

This is…actually good? Public buildings are for the public, not for nerds who get off on arch theory. The three buildings that are linked in the story are all fugly.


So you trust Trump’s architectural sense of style do you?

Have you ever been to Bangkok or Manila?

Main architect:



Excellent post. The fatal move is always entrusting the state to remake society, with the inevitable next step being the state deciding that the key to remaking society is a bullet in the back of the head for everyone who threatens it.

In reality, the state is a tiger and society is the unfortunate from the metaphor, holding desperately onto its ears. The tragedy is that people are always so much more receptive to fairy tales about the glorious things we could do if we let go of the tiger’s ears so we had free use of our hands, and they won’t listen to the dweeb telling us that we could get a marginally firmer grasp on the tiger without totally enraging him if we just dug our middle finger a couple more millimeters into his ear canal.

The Nazis also did a tremendous job of turning around the German economy and becoming more powerful by absorbing their weaker neighbors during the prewar period. Much better human rights record before the war too.

  • Please note that I fucking hate the Nazis.

anarchocapitalism ITT

The anarchocapitalists want to kill the tiger, but our tiger is actually holding onto the ears of a much larger and more dangerous tiger.

I need some Ben Garrison labels on this metaphor I think…

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They were also Planners of Buildings and Stuff. Maybe that’s where Trump gets his inspiration. Hitler’s dream was never realized but he had some good engineering and architectural talent working for him in Todt and Speer. I guess even if he’d gotten it done it would have all been bombed flat anyway.

So? The Nazis also had a heavily state run economy. Is that your point, that state run economies are great avenues towards prosperity? Did you think I was saying Stalin was morally ok? (Because that’s kind of the only way your post, knowing your libertarian leaning, makes sense.)

Building big shit seems baked into the DNA of insane sociopaths. Shout out Versailles.


That bigger more dangerous tiger being ordinary people?

How else do you make sure everyone knows you have a big peepee?

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That’s not a shout.

This is a shout…

all 3.5 million square feet of it., extending almost 350ft underground.

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What was your point? I don’t think you were claiming that Stalin or Lenin were “OK,” but I do think you’re repeating their propaganda. The Soviet economic miracle was just the industrial revolution, but diluted by the regime’s lust for military power. The Soviets took industrialization and added murdering a bunch of people and ending up poorer than their resources would imply because they geared their economy towards tank production.

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