Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

I’ve never had a reason to do more than edit a text string.

I’m sure situations exist when doing more is necessary but both personally and professionally I’ve never had a reason to do more than that to a computer.

Can’t you just uninstall WinRAR and not pick the context menus this time? Is that what all this was about?

Yeah but which one? It’s never in less than 6 places. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE_USERS or HKEY_LOCAL_USERS_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS_LOCAL_MACHINE etc. etc. etc.

Don’t remember. It’s been a while since I had to.

Not all, no - that’s the minimal workaround that’s just barely sort-of solved the problem (I know you’re a coder but most people like proper solutions :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ). To really fix it, I’ll either have to download the apps, yes, the two separate, distinct apps, or schlep through each program individually in order to painstakingly customise my expensive, custom-built labour-saving device.

Or just not use WinRAR?


What if 7zip or whatever pulls the same shit? WinRAR isn’t the problem, the neurodivergents who design Windows are the problem.


The problem is abusive apps demanding to be on the context menu. I’m pretty sure there’s an option when you install (usually custom install - sometimes they try to hide it with dark patterns but it’s usually there) to kill all of that. And if there isn’t, I’m not installing the app.

Doesn’t Windows come with zip utilities for everything now anyway? I guess you need to tar or something?

I don’t even know what the bolded means. I use WinRAR because I’ve found it better than WinZip and I’m used to it.

Did you try this?

Yeah, like I said. Just about worked:

If I had to do it again I would pick less neutral.


He and Newt did more damage to this country than any two individuals so I hope Newt takes up cigars

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RIP Kirk Douglas didn’t see that coming

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Hands up if you thought Kirk Douglas had died decades ago and was not in fact still alive at 103.


Came here to post: “Kirk Douglas was 103?!?!”

He was on the Oscars a couple years ago and it was a brutal watch


Live footage of Ralph Cifaretto’s reaction