Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

I got “ok boomer” because I guess I got a different test. The 8-values test? Anyway “libertarian socialism”.

Meanwhile in Germany a member of a party that gained 5% in the federate state of Thuringia during the last election got elected premier with the votes of the AFD. The wing of the AFD in Thuringia is to the utmost right you could imagine following a guy called Björn Höcke who has no problem calling the Holocaust memorial a memorial of shame and wants a change the commemoration policy of the Germans.

Shitty drive by pic, but knights-templar-flag neighbor seems to have swapped his cross flag out for some kind of MAGA 2020 flag. Will try to get a better view later and report back.

Definitely looks like the bottom of it says “Keep AMERICA Great” so I’m gonna assume it’s Trump 2020 on top.

Hopefully his yard becomes the pooping spot for all the neighborhood dogs.

Ok, same test “market anarchist” my next closest was “eco-anarchist” which I would prefer. I answered a lot of questions in the middle because I thought “it depends”.

Can anyone tell me why all these republicans shit-bags have this weird thing going on with their necks where the skin has fallen off their necks and ballooned with fat? Even if you’re fat I don’t see how it McConnellizes and falls off your neck. The old people I know don’t have this. In fact, I don’t think I know anyone who has this condition. Yet the majority of republicans have this.

It’s a gular pouch for all the bullshit they regularly consume straight out of lobbyist assholes

Finally got sick of the context menus on my machine being jammed full of crap I never use, googled how to fix it and… you edit the registry or you DL third-party apps. It’s always slightly breathtaking when some new facet of the profound disconnect between the people who make software and the people who use it is revealed. Love to be reading instructions that start with “If you fuck this up you could destroy your machine” just so I don’t have to scroll down to delete a file.

My first tech job was fixing PCs and maintaining windows networks.

First rule on day 1: the registry, don’t fuck with it

Yeah, I’m thinking I’m downloading an app, me. Man’s got to know his limitations.

ETA Make that two apps, one for shell items and one for shellex items, because LOL of course.

Should be fine if you backup the registry and follow the instructions.

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But I want something where I just click some buttons and the machine does it for me. That is literally why these machines were conceived of and built. It is their sole purpose.

When you delete a registry entry that’s exactly what happens.

sigh, users.

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I did answer neutral/unsure on a few questions because I felt that they made some very sweeping generalizations that can’t be answered simply.

If you know what you’re doing and no other solution works, then editing the registry can work. I worked a similar job when I was younger and only had to do it once.

But back it up first ldo

I didn’t type the registry entries. The machine did it for me. I want that but in reverse.


It might work at first, but could lead to instability down the line.

I will say that if all you’re doing is deleting from a list of items, or changing a text string - your chances of success are higher.

The problem is all that stuff is going to be repeated about 6-12 times throughout the registry. It’s hard to know if you should do the same thing to all of them, or just one of them, or maybe some but not others. And guaranteed whatever you google won’t totally match what you see in your registry.

Too late for that, the little bastard jammed my context menu full of like eleven different options for WinRAR that I will never ever use, and now I have to fix it?

Reinstall Windows or buy a new PC imo.

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See, now we’re talking. That was actually enough to get ‘Delete’ back above the fold.

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