Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

It has some symbolic value.

It doesnā€™t meet the moment, though. Trump is a historically corrupt President who is flagrantly using the power of his office to enrich himself. Heā€™s undermining our democracy, our national security, and exacerbating the peril of climate change. At least, thatā€™s what Dems are trying to sell us on (I believe it), but all you can do is some token ripping of a speech after you invited him into Congress and allowed him to host a white-supremacist variety hour, hand out a Medal of Freedom to Rush-Fucking-Limbaugh and use it as a platform to spread lies and disinformation? Iā€™m sorry, thatā€™s not enough.


I mean, she also impeached him.

Never mind, @ViridianDreams, I just read your comments in the other thread and see where youā€™re coming from.

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Yeah, and do you think, after how the President and the Republican members of Congress responded, inviting the President into Congress and allowing him to spread more propaganda and lies in support of their cause is an appropriate reaction?

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edited my post. I misunderstood you in initially.

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Like, impeachment is serious business, we do that, President ignores it, refuses to turn over evidence, Republican senators fall
In line, lie and obfuscate in support of the President, Democrats respond byā€¦ ripping up a speech, a symbolic gesture. The only thing that makes sense is to take an even more drastic measure in response, ie, barring him from speaking in Congress.

She could
Have refused to invite him to Congress. I would have probably even been satisfied if she made him give the speech with all of his rape victims sitting right behind him making comments the whole time about his pathetic, weird penis.

I donā€™t really know, but at some point you have to treat this situation with the seriousness it deserves, and your actions have to align with your rhetoric. I think the public will be much more receptive to someone who behaves consistently with their rhetoric, who says this President is a unique threat and that his actions require a serious response, rather than someone who is telling us this guy is the worst ever but then turns around and plays silly political-show games like ripping up a meaningless piece of paper after the President and his cronies just danced a white-supremacist jig all through your house.


Hereā€™s a thought: donā€™t stand up and clap a bunch of times.


If we want to talk about messaging, what message does it send to the public to invite the guy you just indicted into your house to lead a pep rally?

The core issue with Chuck and Nancy is that they donā€™t actually care. They would get a lot more leeway from me if they ever, like literally one time, actually fought back.

Why is the house passing GOP spending bills?

Why isnā€™t the Senate filibuster being used for literally every single thing?


Nancy fought back once, during the government shutdown about the funding for the wall.

Not coincidentally, she had her highest approval among this community during that time.

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I like the revolutionary number I got lol

The site for the test (itā€™s 72 questions)

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She just indicted Trump for impeachment. Not really fair to say she has never fought back.

She waited until the camera was positioned on her to do it. It was very much planned.

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Iā€™m a centrist after all!


Fun time-waster. I also got eco-marxism, though itā€™s not something I would have ever described myself as. I was unsure about quite a few, and probably answered some questions contradictorily to othersā€“which might be how I ended up both ā€œDecentralistā€ and ā€œPartisan.ā€

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I wasnā€™t sure about a few either and Iā€™ve seen a lot of people I sent this to got eco-marxism (donā€™t think I would describe myself that way) and Iā€™m thinking the ecological questions might be weighted a little higher or something of that nature (ha)

I started it but stopped quickly after the first handful of question were all about revolution. like bernie or bust and everything, but Iā€™m pretty sure we all end up worse off after a revolution.

Pretty much what I expected to get. About the only surprise was being down the middle on party vs. union, I thought I wouldā€™ve leaned more toward the union side.