Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

The gigafactories for the batteries are joint owned by Panasonic and Tesla. Charging at home is a problem when you want to travel and then have to hunt down a compatible charger and wait however long it takes to charge up for the next leg of the trip, superchargers are much closer to being able to fill up and go.

I have a buddy who was in the car biz for over 20 years and got out right before the crash and never looked back. He said the Internet ruined the game, everyone who walks into the lot knows exactly what a car is worth practically to the penny and wouldn’t pay any more than that so there was no money to be made.

I’m pretty sure they just transitioned to bending people over in the finance office. It’s downright painful.


I nearly walked from the Mazda dealership when I bought my last ride over that shit. Fuck your undercoating and fuck your shitty 3 year 36k mi warranty unless I pay more

I threatened to throw a Toyota sales manager through his office window after he insulted my wife as we were wrapping up a purchase for a 4Runner. We walked, but wound up coming back the next day after they begged us to, gave us the trade-in value we were negotiating for ($200) and let us keep the car. I wound up donating it and taking the deduction.

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Supercharging is cool and all (and not unique to Tesla and hardly any barrier to entry as electricity is ubiquitous), but what’s interesting is how very much more convenient charging at home generally is than ever going to a gas station. Dunno what the typical solution for people will be in years to come, but a small electric car that you charge at home and renting something for that occasional trip to Las Vegas seems pretty good for a lot of people.

wtf? What did he say?

Namath is right about the internet ruining sales margins and I had seen the invoice going in and knew to the penny what they had in it. Dude kept telling us he was losing money and I told him I knew what he paid, I know what I’m offering, and you’re absolutely making money, so stop with that bullshit. He said it again and my wife said “I really wish you’d stop saying that” and he replied “Yeah? Well I don’t care what you wish for”. I stood up and walked behind his desk and pointed at the floor to ceiling window and said “You speak to my wife that way again and I’ll pick you up and throw you through this window. You know what, fuck it. There’s a million of these cars out there–I don’t need this one”. Then we left and the saleswoman was stunned. She probably went in there and said “Get them back or I’m going to the owner, you stupid asshole”.

Edit: Woman owned business


Reminds me of all those gambling frauds on the internet who claim they win a lot and all those pictures of expensive shit I figured they actually didn’t own but usually when they get sued it turns out they somehow got millions from someone just giving to them as “investments in their winning bets”.

No wonder there’s so many fraudsters, it’s easier, and man can people accumulate giant piles of wealth despite being dumb as shit.

Under President Trump, US immigration authorities have pushed for extraordinary privileges and increased secrecy from the public.

On Friday, the Trump administration quietly designated the entire Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency, which polices US borders, as a “Security Agency,” according to an internal memo obtained by The Nation . This follows repeated attempts by federal immigration authorities to dramatically expand their reach in recent years.

I really really really don’t understand the mindset that causes a tiny handful of people to join forces and make threads go mega-AIDS like some sort of unholy Voltron. I mean, you’ve been hammering the same shit for hours in response to the same few people who are very obviously never ever ever going to see things your way, so the obvious move is to… write another 10 paragraphs? For who? What on god’s earth do you hope to accomplish?

For the love of god. Just. Stop. Fucking. Posting.

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I’m too lazy to go back and find and multi-quote all the posts, but the sidebar about who’s the “most left” made me wonder: how would you even go about determining that?

Online political quiz, draft, what? Self-identified “leftness”? And how do you classify someone who is “so far left they’re right” (as someone alluded to in the thread) like einbert?

Community modding at its finest.

Very high risk strategy, could end in him lashing out in anger at minorities or Iran etc. Narcissists can’t cope with being publicly mocked and neither do they know when to resign.


Resigning would show weakness.

Trump doesn’t really want the presidency, and he knows he would be happier if he never ran.

But Trump showing weakness is the last thing he would ever do.

Pretty sure people have been trying that for the last few years. Hasn’t worked yet. He doesn’t even respond to a comment unless it’s from a famous person.

Yeah, as I was reading the SOTU thread I was thinking about all the ways Pelosi could have trolled him while he was delivering his speech. Talking to him while he was giving the speech, seating all his rape accusers behind him on the stage, etc. instead we get a ripped piece of paper.

Pelosi knows that people are only going to remember the paper ripping. Why do any other theatrics?

Has anybody’s vote ever hinged on a good SOTU? It’s forgotten as quickly as it’s spoken.

Everybody has made up their mind about Trump. Nothing he says or does will change anything.

He could have pulled his dick out and waived it around like a helicopter blade during the SOTU and it wouldn’t change anything.

Then why rip up a speech at all? Everyone has made up their minds. Theatrics are useless if that’s the case.