Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Anyone know the difference between Coronavirus and Superbowl Fever? I’m hoarse and the inside of my elbows itch if that makes any sense.


This week is going by at treadmill time.

Oat milk is naturally sweeter than soy, for example, I think that’s why it’s better in coffee.

Does soy milk really boost estrogen or is that just dairy industry FUD?

Soy milk has phytoestrogens, or plant-based estrogens that act like normal estrogen.

That said it was no effect on fertility unless consumed in absurdly high amounts for extended periods of time.

Does it cause or enhance man boobs though? Asking for a friend of course

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Just get a bigger bro, brah.

This is normal


Any time someone mentions soy milk I can’t not think about this bit:

I have a Rounders movie poster with his name on it. Gonna go destroy it now.

Update on lawsuit:

We won a lot, including punitive damages. Opponents lawyer was hilariously bad. Now we have to collect which I’m sure will be difficult. Not exactly sure how that works especially if he declares bankruptcy? But feels very good for this process to finally be over, and for justice to have been served.


Oh man that’s horrifying.

Statements like these make me think that she’s needling him about how horrible he looks.

“The first time I saw him fully naked, I thought he was deformed and intersex,” she said, as Weinstein put his head into his hand. “He has extreme scarring that I didn’t know if he was a burn victim but it didn’t make sense. He does not have testicles and it appears that he has a vagina.”[/QUOTE]

This video should be playing in endless fucking rotation on every channel for the next 9 months.


I can’t believe they showed that on national television.

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I liked the guy who thought the middle quintile has more than the top quintile. Where do you even begin to educate these people on economic issues and inequality?

With more tv exactly like this.