Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Meh. TV channels in the UK used cheeses as analogies to discuss the difference between a soft and hard Brexit.

Food connects with people.

The second most revealing part of that video is that even in what I assume is a major metro area, the malls are still almost completely empty.

I’m surprised CBS didn’t use a steak or a giant burger.

I’m cheesed off now… :rofl:

I don’t know how, but someone is fucking with me…


lolol wtf?

If you’re going during the work day everywhere will look like that besides the occasional Costco.

Must be a typo.

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It’s probably based on your search history.

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Yeah after actually listening to the end this time after posting in haste I’m removing it…

Sorry about that, it’s a bit too much.


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haha I got to see that weird shit before it disapparated

Don’t know where else to ask this so I’m gonna throw it out there since lots of people here know way more about taxes than me.

For about the last 7 months I moved in with my mother who is basically disabled now, permanently on oxygen and unable to work. She’s 69 and lives on social security which is like $900 a month :(. She was getting disability for about 5 months last year along with social security but since I moved in she’s only had her social security.

I pay the rent and utilities and basically provide all care for her.

Do I claim her as a dependent? Will this mess with her social security? I plan on doing a lot more research but I was hoping to get a general idea here of where I stand and what I should do. Should I go to a tax company for this? Would it make that much of a difference?

The IRS website has a little quiz that should at least help you answer the question about whether you CAN claim her.

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I mean it’s technically correct, but I get out of breath just reading it, so I’d go with ‘who’ there every time.

I would have gone with who art thou.


Cat’s out of the bag.