Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

That’s a good analogy.

Meet the winner: the unassuming oat.

“I’m excited about the surge in oat milk popularity,” says Liz Specht, associate director of science and technology for the Good Food Institute, a not-for-profit that promotes plant-based diets. “Oat milk performs very well on all sustainability metrics.” Also: “I highly doubt there will be unintended environmental consequences that might emerge when the scale of oat milk use gets larger.”

According to Bloomberg Business , retail sales of oat milk in the US have soared from $4.4m in 2017 to $29m in 2019, surpassing almond milk as the fastest-growing dairy alternative. But unlike almonds, there are already plenty of oats to go around. “Right now, 50 to 90% of global oat production goes into animal feed,” says Specht, “so there’s a huge existing acreage that we can safely steal share from without moving the needle at all on total production.”

Oats are grown in cooler climates such as the northern US and Canada, and are therefore not associated with deforestation in developing countries. The only drawback with this trendy and guilt-free option is that most oats come from mass-produced, monoculture operations where they are sprayed with the Roundup pesticide right before harvest. A study by the Environmental Working Group found glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and a possible carcinogen, in all the foods it tested containing conventionally grown oats and even in one-third of products made with organic oats. However, the popular Oatly brand oat milk company maintains its oats are certified glyphosate free.

Anyone tried oat milk?

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Is there something wrong with soy milk?

Not if you like the flavour and source it from non-Amazon beans.


As a lactose intolerant person I have tried all the milks… oat milk is the best for coffee ainec. Actual milk is still better, but it’s pretty good.

I’m also lactose intolerant. I’ll get some oat milk today and compare with the lactose-free milk we have.

Oatley is meaningfully better than the rest ime


A monologue would be a nice simplification of the racket I usually have going on. Multiple running conversations and several songs are usually in rotation as well.

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It’s exhausting but also sometimes keeps me awake at night.

In my solid drinking days (20 to about 35) I’d see the good side of a terrible hangover being the silencing of most of this noise, beaten down by pain.

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Goddamn I am feeling particularly WAAFy today. Impeachment has been even dumber than I expected, Bernie getting attacked all over the place, fucking Coronavirus confirmed spreading pre-symptom. Thank God it’s Friday because tonight I’m drinking enough booze to knock out an entire fraternity.


The only positive is that the Bernie attacks are all backfiring.

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There are potentially large positives to the Corona virus, but I’m not going to go into detail about it because it’ll confirm the views of basically every poster that thinks I’m probably a sociopath. I’m not a sociopath I’m a slightly glass half full misanthrope fwiw.

The way things are shaping up, he’ll win every primary, be looking to cruise to the Dem nomination and the Corona virus will take him out.

Yang for VP one time.

Involuntary premature euthenasia?

No it’s the only way that timeline isn’t a complete disaster.

Wilbur, is that you?


This one does it for me

Wait, everyone doesn’t have an internal monologue?
That’s crazy!
I know, right?
It’s probably more accurate to call it a—
Who knew?
–conversation than monologue, but not everyone can be as smart as us
You mean “we”
Not everyone, huh?