Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Shit, I only made it like 3/4 the way down because I thought it was clearly satire. He was fucking serious?!

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Gotta parboil the old ones. Tougher meat. Iā€™ve posted about this beforeā€¦I learned from my 96yo step-FIL who knew from experience during the depression that you need to parboil old squirrels, but the young ones you can just fry right up.

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Someone help me. Isnā€™t there a gif of a guy who leans back into view from behind another guy? Heā€™s wearing sunglasses and gives a thumb up. I think heā€™s asian?

Halp. I want to pair it with this gif.

Doug Lee?

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Not sure. Can you show me the gif youā€™re thinking of?

Canā€™t find it. But Iā€™m pretty sure there were multiple photos where Doug Lee inserted himself into the picture, so then people started putting him in a bunch of other photos and a few gifs were also created.

Okay, probably not that. Iā€™m thinking of a gif. One guy is in foreground, then another guy leans back, smiles, and gives a thumbs up.

I believe itā€™s from a movie, but I donā€™t think I ever knew for sure.

Hahaha I donā€™t think this is what youā€™re looking for, but you reminded me of it and I love this gif so fuck it

Oh wait, this one???


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Though this one could be fun

tenor (1)

K Iā€™ll stop now

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thumbs up combined

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Is there one freaking blue dot thread atm that makes anybody happy to click?

That wonā€™t stop prion diseases.

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Wow. Anyone here have a ā€œquiet brainā€? Mineā€™s pretty much spewing out full sentences nonstop to the point I have to work to ignore it most of the time.


Hence the appeal of mediation/mindfulness to so many, I guess. stfu me.


Mindfulness feels like the ultimate game of whack-a-mole to me. Which probably means I need it more than anyone.