Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

Natalie Tran is vegan. Despite having the word lie in her name, I 100% believe she doesn’t eat meat. Also despite the fact that she lied constantly about when the next video would be up. And also about lamingtons.

My Sister-in-Law is vegan and tragically died of malnutrition a couple of years back.

Just kidding of course she is way healthier and robust looking then over 90% of Americans much like the other vegans I can think of off-hand.



You’re obviously a smart guy but the contrarian hot takes are completely out of control.

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I used to be a vegan myself, but after finding 2+2 I made some adjustments. My current diet allows for some plants, but I begin each day with a gallon of chocolate milk and an entire raw pork loin. The gainz, I cannot describe the gainz.


But we still support Trump because racism!

And I was a vegetarian for more than 10 years and I lived in a vegetarian house and both my kids are vegetarians.

My brother turned Vegan about 2 1/2 years ago… He eats a shit ton of food so it has been benificial to him.

And tbh he’s eating far healthier even if it is lacking in some nutrition because the shit he ate before was nutritionless. :joy:

He also takes vitamin tablets etc…

For the healthcare thread… But I’m to far behind to post it :joy::joy::joy:

There are far fewer vegans, so more people will be annoyed by them who will then annoy you by complaining about them.

My Bro has started the Vegan push on me, he has no chance, I like steak to much :joy: Or milk for my coffee.

I tell him it was bad enough being poor in the 70’s with no meat and my mum usually clouts me. :eyes:

Being as white as a sheet I have to take vitamin D pills, but I don’t think there’s any real proof that supplements work as well as natural food sources.

Vegans are making a big assumption.

What we need is for solar powered meat factories to start producing medically safe food in large quantities.

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I don’t know if it’s medically safe to eat homo sapiens. How long do you have to roast one for?

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Just thoroughly cook them and don’t eat brain matter.

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Hundreds of millions of people eat God every Sunday but humans are a no go jfc

Unstuck is splitting into two groups of gamers: walruses and imperialists.



Not every vegan spends their spare time pouring blood on people wearing leather belts.

Roast however long you like as long as you boil it first.

That’s a great thread.

or as Yglesias says:

edit: It’s also worth pointing out that the dude’s proposed solution is fairly shady and obviously a huge freeroll on the insurer: Intentionally enroll in COBRA but then don’t actually pay any of the premiums unless you incur medical expenses in excess of those premiums.


:joy: Indeed