Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

He is smiling as you would imagine in the perp photo… :grin:

Lol fuck you, I clicked, you bastard

Edit: was worth it


Was I wrong?

See my edit

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Poor Annie :(

Jake Lloyd’s mother, Lisa, released this positive statement and update on her son’s status:

“We would like to thank everyone for their kind words, their support, and goodwill. Jake has been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, but unfortunately he also has a symptom called anosognosia which causes a lack of insight into his illness. This only adds to the struggle he faces, which has been very difficult after the tragic loss of his younger sister, Madison. He has moved closer to his family and we are all working hard to help him with this. He is still a kind and caring person and we hope to have him back to his fun and entertaining self as soon as possible. Jake will continue to make progress with the love and support you continue to show.”

to get the minimum amount of vitamin B6 required each day (1.3 mg) from one of the richest plant sources, potatoes, you’d have to eat about five cups’ worth (equivalent to roughly 750g or 1.6lb)

Paging @anon10396289

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Doable imo

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Malcolm Gladwell thinks the Paterno statue should go back up because of course he does. GTFO you fake scientist pedo creep.


In before a bunch of regulars start mansplaining about how good old Joe actually did a lot of great things…


Nebraskan farmer tells pro-fracking committee member go ahead, honor your word to drink water from a tracking location


Nah you ain’t getting that here.

I mean I could do it if you really want me to; though I’d feel sick afterwards.

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Upon review of the 2010s, the random Rand Paul neighbor who kicked his ass following a landscaping dispute is the most under appreciated figure of the decade.


Oh no coca cola

LOLOLOL just noticed the woman who leans forward. She takes the crown.


Something like 80% of vegans eat meat when drunk.

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Shitting on vegans is pure reactionary trolling. It’s light bulbs, straws, and low flow toilets. Also, I can’t think of a single vegan I’ve ever known and I lived in Berkeley for like 10 years. I’m probably forgetting a few. I picked up someone hitchhiking one time who claimed to only eat fruit, but, and not just for that reason, I think that person was basically insane and I wouldn’t take their word for much.


I once met a guy who claimed to live on a diet of his own urine. He owned a restaurant in the East Village. I never ate there.


I work with a guy who’s been vegan all his life (raised by a vegan mother). He’s about my age, takes protein drinks every day and looks truly terrible. He’s also totally self-righteous about it.

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