Winter cricket and bridge thread - Held over by popular demand

The US should probably make second homes illegal until we can sort this inequality shit out.

I’m eventually going to start a thread for UBI.


Durham, North Carolina? Oh…of course not.


Yeah I glanced at that and thought “No way” before seeing the word Toronto.

is there a new Cute Shit Thread on this forum?


Time to bring some good vibes to the thread y’all.

Australian summer. I’m on holiday in Wilson’s Promontory, the southernmost point on the Australian mainland.


I wonder if any study has ever been done on how much extra brain power and memory English speakers have to devote to how to spell things, over say Spanish speakers? I wonder if we’re like the London cabbies and there’s less room for other stuff in there due to our ridiculous spelling chaos.


That’s some deeply existential shit.

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Lol t-shirts, you thought you were going to escape disruption. Think again motherfuckers!


The url in their ad leads you to a 404 page, quality marketing.

Wild story about Wisconsin’s child protective services and child abuse pediatricians being basically out of control with a focus on one family’s ordeal:

This Emotions Anonymous speaker is a lawyer who did work with the treasury. He does not talk directly a lot about his former occupation, but definitely interesting to get the POV of someone struggling within that world. Very easy to demonize them instead of seeing their struggle as humans.

Just gonna give a shoutout to our realtor who was awesome. We (my wife and her especially) saw a ton of houses and she never recommended a single one of them that was subpar, despite my wife being overly eager to buy. We put an offer on one house we liked but they wanted more and our realtor shut it down immediately because she knew it wasn’t worth what they were asking (it sold over a year later for exactly our offer). We ended up getting a house that was a little more than we wanted to pay but is honestly phenomenal; just the other day someone stopped me to tell me how it’s her favorite house on the block and wondering if we were selling anytime soon. But yeah most realtors suck, I haven’t particularly liked any of the others I’ve met.


A lot of realtors are very nice people. I worked in an office full of them. I think the only people who weren’t that nice were the couple of people who did like 10x the business of anyone else.

There’s a fundamental problem though that your interests aren’t well aligned with theirs.

Well I was trying to make the point that our realtor seemed to be working in our interests by not pressuring us to buy anything until we found an actually great house; i guess it was more expensive so she did get more for the sale but we decided to adjust our price range independently when we couldn’t find anything suitable. There were multiple opportunities where she could’ve pushed us to try to make a sale but never did. Not sure if it’s relevant but I think she is pretty rich via her marriage.

Sounds like she was representing you. A more successful realtor would probably have dismissed you as tire kickers. The agents aren’t particularly motivated to go for the highest price. The marginal difference isn’t that great for them. They are mostly incentivized to close deals as quickly as possible.

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Not even gonna click on the article, but god bless that man