Winter 2021 LC Thread—I Want Sous Vide

Happy “Akshually, there is no such thing as the Nobel Prize in Economics. Maybe you’re thinking of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel?” Day.

This is an excellent write-up of this year’s winners:

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Wonder if Krueger is pissed. He coauthored separately with Angrist and Card on what are some of their best known papers.

Edit: guess not since he died in 2019. He was only 58.

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It is great! One of my favorite episodes. Spock logics his way into becoming Neo from The Matrix, Kirk does Kung Fu on Wyatt Earp, what’s not to love?

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Yeah, I think he’s in the same category as Fischer Black - would have won the prize except that they (oddly, I think) do not award it posthumously.

Edit: guess not since he died in 2019. He was only 58.

He died by suicide, which was shocking to a lot in the economics community. Same with Emmanuel Farhi. It’s hard for me to imagine that some of the most successful and respected people in their fields could suffer from severe depression, but I guess there’s no reason to think depression works like that.

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I just watched this episode a couple of weeks ago! Never saw it before.

One thing I noticed is as the time for the showdown approaches, they repeatedly show a closeup of a clock, and it’s exactly the Roman numeral design that came up last month in the memes thread.

That one is awesome. Roddenberry makes Wyatt Earp the bad guy. Abolish the police.


Listen fuckers. I have a job that requires me to do about an hour of work a day. I rely on UP to fill my day as I still have to pretend to be sitting in front of a computer during work hours.

Can we pick up the pace on posting, please?

ETA: I’ve sunk to watching my local R/C car track online to eat up some time. Help.


Seems simple enough to me: “Listen, kid. Everything is bullshit.”


it’s indigenous peoples day man. take the day off. also consider donating to real rent.

I will do that, though I live on traditional Nisqually lands, not Duwamish.

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The answer in actuality is that people will almost always go whatever speed they feel comfortable at. We set most of our speed limits below that. Ever wonder why your nice suburban town has soccer moms blowing 50 in a 30? It’s because they make the lanes way too fucking big and make the roads so cars are prioritized in every way possible.

I’m on an urban design kick, it’s pretty interesting stuff


Somewhere where it’s actually difficult to go over its speed limit

Vs this hellscape


Any street that brings Frogger to mind when trying to cross it on foot is terribad. Florida has them in droves.


My favorites are the ones with no sidewalks, and no crosswalks. They are a dime a dozen in Houston. “You don’t want to use a car? Fuck you, you fucking pansy”


Don’t have to worry about safe pedestrian crossing if there aren’t any sidewalks.

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shameless self-promotion/spam, but i’ve harvested some backyard honey and in dire need to get it out of my living room. selling it now to anyone who can pick up locally in Seattle or passing through. arrange via DM.

go ahead and delete if this is against the rules.

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uh, how long is a day? Like, I mean, what are you measuring as a standard?

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I will not let this forum become a haven for unlicensed honey production and black market selling


washington state legislature let beekeepers do it! thanks obama!

I was in Seattle 5 days ago and would have taken you up on it.

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